Analyzing requirements engineering for cloud computing
Cloud computing is a business paradigm, where cloud providers offer resources (eg,
storage, computing, network) and cloud consumers use them after accepting a specific …
storage, computing, network) and cloud consumers use them after accepting a specific …
An agent-based mechanism to form cloud federations and manage their requirements changes
N Bouchareb, NE Zarour - International Journal of Grid and …, 2021 - inderscienceonline.com
Cloud computing is a business paradigm, where Cloud providers offer computing resources
(software and hardware) and Cloud consumers use them. Forming Cloud federations and …
(software and hardware) and Cloud consumers use them. Forming Cloud federations and …
[PDF][PDF] A survey on large-scale requirements engineering
Y Takbiri, A Amini - 4th international conference on combinatorics …, 2019 - i4c2019.iust.ac.ir
Large-scale systems have different categories, each having their own unique characteristics.
Because of that, current requirements engineering methods may not be effective. In order to …
Because of that, current requirements engineering methods may not be effective. In order to …
[HTML][HTML] Security and compliance ontology for cloud service agreements
Cloud computing is a business paradigm where two important roles must be defined:
provider and consumer. Providers offer services (eg web application, web services, and …
provider and consumer. Providers offer services (eg web application, web services, and …
Cloud dimensions for requirements specification
Cloud computing is a business paradigm that changes the way to evaluate information
systems and computing resources. Cloud requirements can rapidly change and new service …
systems and computing resources. Cloud requirements can rapidly change and new service …
A framework for management of cloud services
HT Tran - 2018 - search.proquest.com
The rapid growth of various types of cloud services is creating new opportunities for
innovative enterprise applications. Organisations are using cloud services to deliver …
innovative enterprise applications. Organisations are using cloud services to deliver …
Análisis semántico de los aspectos técnicos y operaciones de cloud computing
L Ballejos, S Rodriguez, AS Zalazar - 2016 - bibliotecas.ucasal.edu.ar
Cloud Computing es un paradigma de negocio que suministra dinámicamente recursos de
computación conectados a Internet, en el cual un proveedor ofrece estos recursos como …
computación conectados a Internet, en el cual un proveedor ofrece estos recursos como …
StakeCloud: Stakeholder Requirements Communication in the Cloud
I Koitz - 2016 - zora.uzh.ch
Effective requirements communication between consumers and providers represents the
foundation of any successful service or product. Therefore, numerous methods have been …
foundation of any successful service or product. Therefore, numerous methods have been …