Timed communicating object Z
This paper describes a timed, multithreaded object modeling notation for specifying real-
time, concurrent, and reactive systems. The notation Timed Communicating Object Z (TCOZ) …
time, concurrent, and reactive systems. The notation Timed Communicating Object Z (TCOZ) …
Formal methods application: An empirical tale of software development
The development of an elevator scheduling system by undergraduate students is presented.
The development was performed by 20 teams of undergraduate students, divided into two …
The development was performed by 20 teams of undergraduate students, divided into two …
Pcsp# denotational semantics with an application in sports analytics
The chapter introduces probabilistic CSP#(PCSP#) as a formal language for modeling
probabilistic systems, emphasizing its foundational role in concurrent and parallel …
probabilistic systems, emphasizing its foundational role in concurrent and parallel …
Network topology and a case study in TCOZ
Object-Z is strong in modeling the data and operations of complex systems. However, it is
weak in specifying real-time and concurrent systems. Timed Communicating Object-Z …
weak in specifying real-time and concurrent systems. Timed Communicating Object-Z …
Temporal logic case study
WG Wood - Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems …, 1990 - Springer
This report is a case study applying temporal logic to specify the operation of a bank of
identical elevators servicing a number of floors in a building. The goal of the study was to …
identical elevators servicing a number of floors in a building. The goal of the study was to …
Specifying parallel and distributed systems in Object-Z: the lift case study
JS Dong, L Zucconi, R Duke - Proceedings of PDSE'97: 2nd …, 1997 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
There has been an increasing emphasis on formality in software system specification in the
last few years. A number of standards bodies are recommending the use of formal notations …
last few years. A number of standards bodies are recommending the use of formal notations …
The specification, design and verification of real-time embedded control logic using csp and tcsp
PJ Clarke, DJ Holding - Real-Time Programming 1992, 1992 - Elsevier
This paper considers the use of the formal methods CSP and Timed CSP in the
specification, design and verification of a hard real-time industrial application. The …
specification, design and verification of a hard real-time industrial application. The …
[КНИГА][B] RealSpec: An executable real-time specification language
AA Khwaja - 2009 - search.proquest.com
RealSpec is a declarative and executable specification language for the modeling of real-
time, concurrent, and control software systems. The design of the RealSpec specification …
time, concurrent, and control software systems. The design of the RealSpec specification …
[PDF][PDF] Specifying Parallel and Distributed Systems in Object-Z: The Lift Case Study
JSDL Zucconi, R Duke - 1997 - Citeseer
There has been an increasing emphasis on formality in software system speci cation in the
last few years. A number of standards bodies are recommending the use of formal notations …
last few years. A number of standards bodies are recommending the use of formal notations …