Adaptive dynamic programming for control: A survey and recent advances
This article reviews the recent development of adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) with
applications in control. First, its applications in optimal regulation are introduced, and some …
applications in control. First, its applications in optimal regulation are introduced, and some …
Discounted iterative adaptive critic designs with novel stability analysis for tracking control
The core task of tracking control is to make the controlled plant track a desired trajectory. The
traditional performance index used in previous studies cannot eliminate completely the …
traditional performance index used in previous studies cannot eliminate completely the …
[KNJIGA][B] Adaptive dynamic programming with applications in optimal control
With the rapid development in information science and technology, many businesses and
industries have undergone great changes, such as chemical industry, electric power …
industries have undergone great changes, such as chemical industry, electric power …
Neural network control-based adaptive learning design for nonlinear systems with full-state constraints
In order to stabilize a class of uncertain nonlinear strict-feedback systems with full-state
constraints, an adaptive neural network control method is investigated in this paper. The …
constraints, an adaptive neural network control method is investigated in this paper. The …
Optimal tracking control of nonlinear partially-unknown constrained-input systems using integral reinforcement learning
In this paper, a new formulation for the optimal tracking control problem (OTCP) of
continuous-time nonlinear systems is presented. This formulation extends the integral …
continuous-time nonlinear systems is presented. This formulation extends the integral …
Value iteration adaptive dynamic programming for optimal control of discrete-time nonlinear systems
In this paper, a value iteration adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) algorithm is developed
to solve infinite horizon undiscounted optimal control problems for discrete-time nonlinear …
to solve infinite horizon undiscounted optimal control problems for discrete-time nonlinear …
Policy iteration adaptive dynamic programming algorithm for discrete-time nonlinear systems
This paper is concerned with a new discrete-time policy iteration adaptive dynamic
programming (ADP) method for solving the infinite horizon optimal control problem of …
programming (ADP) method for solving the infinite horizon optimal control problem of …
Fuzzy approximation-based adaptive backstep** optimal control for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems with dead-zone
YJ Liu, Y Gao, S Tong, Y Li - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy optimal control design is addressed for a class of unknown
nonlinear discrete-time systems. The controlled systems are in a strict-feedback frame and …
nonlinear discrete-time systems. The controlled systems are in a strict-feedback frame and …
Hamiltonian-driven adaptive dynamic programming with approximation errors
In this article, we consider an iterative adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) algorithm
within the Hamiltonian-driven framework to solve the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) …
within the Hamiltonian-driven framework to solve the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) …
Adaptive optimal control of unknown constrained-input systems using policy iteration and neural networks
This paper presents an online policy iteration (PI) algorithm to learn the continuous-time
optimal control solution for unknown constrained-input systems. The proposed PI algorithm …
optimal control solution for unknown constrained-input systems. The proposed PI algorithm …