[HTML][HTML] Orogenic architecture of the Mediterranean region and kinematic reconstruction of its tectonic evolution since the Triassic
The basins and orogens of the Mediterranean region ultimately result from the opening of
oceans during the early break-up of Pangea since the Triassic, and their subsequent …
oceans during the early break-up of Pangea since the Triassic, and their subsequent …
Caucasus collisional history: Review of data from East Anatolia to West Iran
Y Rolland - Gondwana Research, 2017 - Elsevier
This article summarizes the geodynamic evolution of the Caucasus mountain belt from the
Paleozoic to Present based on a review of works from Eastern Anatolia, Greater and Lesser …
Paleozoic to Present based on a review of works from Eastern Anatolia, Greater and Lesser …
Machine learning for geochemical exploration: classifying metallogenic fertility in arc magmas and insights into porphyry copper deposit formation
A current mineral exploration focus is the development of tools to identify magmatic districts
predisposed to host porphyry copper deposits. In this paper, we train and test four, common …
predisposed to host porphyry copper deposits. In this paper, we train and test four, common …
Long-term repeatability and interlaboratory reproducibility of high-precision ID-TIMS U–Pb geochronology
Age determination of minerals using the U–Pb technique is widely used to quantify time in
Earth's history. A number of geochronology laboratories produce the highest precision U–Pb …
Earth's history. A number of geochronology laboratories produce the highest precision U–Pb …
Oxidized sulfur-rich arc magmas formed porphyry Cu deposits by 1.88 Ga
Most known porphyry Cu deposits formed in the Phanerozoic and are exclusively associated
with moderately oxidized, sulfur-rich, hydrous arc-related magmas derived from partial …
with moderately oxidized, sulfur-rich, hydrous arc-related magmas derived from partial …
[HTML][HTML] Oxidation of magmas during gain and loss of H2O recorded by trace elements in zircon
RR Loucks, ML Fiorentini - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2023 - Elsevier
Hydroxylation-oxidation reactions of the type H 2 O+ Fe→ 2+ Fe 3++ OH−+ 1/2 H 2 oxidise
Fe 2+ in olivine and pyroxenes in oceanic lithosphere prior to subduction and in the supra …
Fe 2+ in olivine and pyroxenes in oceanic lithosphere prior to subduction and in the supra …
Elevated magmatic sulfur and chlorine contents in ore-forming magmas at the Red Chris porphyry Cu-Au deposit, northern British Columbia, Canada
Abstract The Red Chris porphyry Cu-Au deposit is located in the Stikinia island-arc terrane
in northwest British Columbia. It is hosted by the Red Stock, which has five phases of …
in northwest British Columbia. It is hosted by the Red Stock, which has five phases of …
The importance of H2O in arc magmas for the formation of porphyry Cu deposits
Porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) hosted in subvolcanic intrusions at convergent margins
are the primary world's copper resources. However, the set of magmatic processes that lead …
are the primary world's copper resources. However, the set of magmatic processes that lead …
A shake-up in the porphyry world?
JP Richards - Economic Geology, 2018 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Porphyry Cu deposits form in the shallow crustal parts of arc magmatic systems, which root
in the mantle wedge, evolve in lower crustal MASH (melting, assimilation, storage …
in the mantle wedge, evolve in lower crustal MASH (melting, assimilation, storage …
Magma evolution leading to porphyry Au-Cu mineralization at the Ok Tedi deposit, Papua New Guinea: Trace element geochemistry and high-precision …
SJE Large, A Quadt, JF Wotzlaw… - Economic …, 2018 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Geologic field relationships combined with spatially resolved geochemistry and high-
precision U-Pb geochronology of zircons allow quantification of magmatic processes …
precision U-Pb geochronology of zircons allow quantification of magmatic processes …