Attitude dynamics in the circular restricted three-body problem
D Guzzetti, KC Howell - Astrodynamics, 2018 - Springer
This document reflects the effort of constructing a basis for understanding attitude motion
within a multi-body problem with application to spacecraft flight dynamics. The circular …
within a multi-body problem with application to spacecraft flight dynamics. The circular …
Effects of oblateness of the primaries on natural periodic orbit-attitude behaviour of satellites in three body problem
This study was done to investigate the effect of perturbations of both oblate massive
primaries on the periodic orbit-attitude behavior of satellites at the three-body problem …
primaries on the periodic orbit-attitude behavior of satellites at the three-body problem …
Natural coupled orbit—Attitude periodic motions in the perturbed-CRTBP including radiated primary and oblate secondary
This study investigated periodic coupled orbit—attitude motions within the perturbed circular
restricted three-body problem (P-CRTBP) concerning the perturbations of a radiated …
restricted three-body problem (P-CRTBP) concerning the perturbations of a radiated …
Periodic orbit-attitude solutions along planar orbits in a perturbed circular restricted three-body problem for the Earth-Moon system
L Bucci, M Lavagna, D Guzzetti, KC Howell - Acta Astronautica, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Interest on Large Space Structures (LSS), orbiting in strategic and possibly long-
term stable locations, is nowadays increasing in the space community. LSS can serve as …
term stable locations, is nowadays increasing in the space community. LSS can serve as …
Achieving solar sail orbital maintenance with adjustable ballast masses in the ERTBP
An innovative method for orbital maintenance in the Sun-Earth Elliptic Restricted Three-
Body Problem (ERTBP) is introduced. The concept arose from observing that Natural …
Body Problem (ERTBP) is introduced. The concept arose from observing that Natural …
Solar sail orbital motion at the non-autonomous oblate earth-moon system: family of periodic orbits
The primary objective of this paper is to identify periodic orbits for solar sails within the
oblate Earth-Moon Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem (CR3BP). Incorporating solar …
oblate Earth-Moon Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem (CR3BP). Incorporating solar …
Averaged solar radiation pressure modeling for high area-to-mass ratio objects in geosynchronous orbits
RT Eapen, C Frueh - Advances in Space Research, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Space Situational Awareness, among other efforts, is aimed at providing a
comprehensive and accurate knowledge of all Earth-orbiting objects. This is done by …
comprehensive and accurate knowledge of all Earth-orbiting objects. This is done by …
Distinguishing periodic attitude motions from Poincaré sections using a compatible clustering method
Periodic attitude motions are used to reduce the fuel cost of space missions as they can
lessen the need for constant pointing adjustments. One way to detect these evasive motions …
lessen the need for constant pointing adjustments. One way to detect these evasive motions …
Introduce a Novel Approach to Orbital Maintenance in CRTBP
This paper presents a novel approach to designing an orbital maintenance strategy for the
periodic Lyapunov orbits in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem. Since the position …
periodic Lyapunov orbits in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem. Since the position …
Advancing Cislunar Space Domain Awareness Through Robust Optimization Framework for Optical Sensors-Based Autonomous Satellite Systems
The number of cislunar resident space objects is expected to proliferate rapidly because of
strategic interests targeting long-term presence on the Moon and exploration of other …
strategic interests targeting long-term presence on the Moon and exploration of other …