[HTML][HTML] Un centinela para el monitoreo del cambio climático y su impacto sobre la biodiversidad en la cumbre austral de América: la nueva red de estudios a largo …
Las reservas de la biosfera tienen entre sus funciones apoyar la investigación científica,
educación, capacitación y monitoreo. En la Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos …
educación, capacitación y monitoreo. En la Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos …
Underwater with a hand lens: ecological sciences and environmental ethics to value freshwater biodiversity
Despite their impressive diversity and ecosystem relevance, insects are undervalued and
rarely considered in conservation efforts, except for those that are medically or economically …
rarely considered in conservation efforts, except for those that are medically or economically …
Wing reduction and body size variation along a steep elevation gradient: A case study with Magellanic sub-Antarctic mayflies and stoneflies
Introduction Ecogeographical patterns in body size have been described across a wide
range of vertebrate species. However, insects have shown inconsistent patterns in studies to …
range of vertebrate species. However, insects have shown inconsistent patterns in studies to …
[كتاب][B] Conservación en la Patagonia chilena: evaluación del conocimiento, oportunidades y desafíos
JC Castilla, JJ Armesto, MJ Martínez-Harms - 2021 - books.google.com
La Patagonia chilena en el margen occidental de América del Sur, entre el golfo de
Reloncaví e islas Diego Ramírez, es uno de los últimos lugares del planeta con extensos …
Reloncaví e islas Diego Ramírez, es uno de los últimos lugares del planeta con extensos …
Biodiversity islands at the world's southernmost city: plant, bird and insect conservation in urban forests and peatlands of Ushuaia, Argentina
Ushuaia, a coastal city located in Patagonia, Argentina, amid unique natural habitats such
as sub-antarctic Nothofagus forests and Sphagnum peatlands, preserves green areas of …
as sub-antarctic Nothofagus forests and Sphagnum peatlands, preserves green areas of …
When ice and sea are not barriers for flies: First report of Trichocera maculipennis (Diptera) in South America
Abstract During the 2022/2023 austral winter, large swarms of Trichocera (Saltrichocera)
maculipennis Meigen, 1818 (Diptera: Trichoceridae), were observed around house roofs in …
maculipennis Meigen, 1818 (Diptera: Trichoceridae), were observed around house roofs in …
Urbanization effect of homogenization on ground-dwelling arachnids' diversity in natural forest and peatland remnants
Continuous large forests intermingled with small patches of open ecosystems (eg peatlands)
are typical in temperate mountain regions. They are usually removed when cities are …
are typical in temperate mountain regions. They are usually removed when cities are …
Macroinvertebrate community composition and richness along extreme gradients: The role of local, catchment, and climatic variables in Patagonian headwater …
We investigated how interacting multi‐scale environmental variables affect taxonomic
composition and functional feeding groups of macroinvertebrates in headwater streams of …
composition and functional feeding groups of macroinvertebrates in headwater streams of …
Fatty acids elucidate sub-Antarctic stream benthic food web dynamics invaded by the North American beaver (Castor canadensis)
Despite being remote, polar and sub-polar regions are increasingly threatened by global
ecological change. For instance, South America's sub-Antarctic forest ecoregion is …
ecological change. For instance, South America's sub-Antarctic forest ecoregion is …
[HTML][HTML] Comunidades de invertebrados terrestres del archipiélago Diego Ramírez (56 31'S), el sitio de estudios ecológicos de largo plazo más austral de américa …
Los archipiélagos Diego Ramírez y Cabo de Hornos se ubican en el extremo austral de la
ecorregión subantártica de Magallanes y hasta ahora su diversidad de insectos y otros …
ecorregión subantártica de Magallanes y hasta ahora su diversidad de insectos y otros …