Refraction FWI of a circular shot OBN acquisition in the Brazilian pre-salt region
SLEF Da Silva, FT Costa, A Karsou… - … on Geoscience and …, 2024 -
We develop a workflow based on the full-waveform inversion (FWI) to estimate P-wave
velocities in a deepwater Brazilian presalt field using the recently introduced circular shot …
velocities in a deepwater Brazilian presalt field using the recently introduced circular shot …
Characterizing the target of interest underlying a complex overburden with target-oriented elastic waveform inversion
It remains challenging for elastic full waveform inversion (EFWI) to characterize the elastic
properties of a target reservoir deep beneath complex overburden media. This can be …
properties of a target reservoir deep beneath complex overburden media. This can be …
Near-borehole formation acoustic logging imaging: A full waveform inversion algorithm in cylindrical coordinates
D Chen, C Zhang, W Guan… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 -
Acoustic logging is essential for probing formations surrounding a borehole. However,
conventional logging signal processing methods cannot process inhomogeneous formation …
conventional logging signal processing methods cannot process inhomogeneous formation …
Multiscale Virtual Wavefield Waveform Inversion Based on Multidimensional Interferometric Retrieval
X Shang, L Han, P Zhang - IEEE Transactions on Geoscience …, 2024 -
Full waveform inversion (FWI) seeks a subsurface parameter model that optimally matches
the true state by minimizing the differences between synthetic and observed data. However …
the true state by minimizing the differences between synthetic and observed data. However …
Characteristic reflection wavefield-based wave equation traveltime inversion
C Wu, H Wang, B Feng, R Xu - Geophysics, 2024 -
Introducing a high-precision deep-depth velocity model is essential for accurately imaging
seismic data in complex areas such as deepwater and deep depth in oil and gas …
seismic data in complex areas such as deepwater and deep depth in oil and gas …
Target-oriented least-squares reverse time migration with Marchenko redatuming and double focusing: Field data application
Recently, the focus of reflection seismologists has shifted to applications for which a high-
resolution image of the subsurface is required. Least-squares reverse time migration …
resolution image of the subsurface is required. Least-squares reverse time migration …
Pyseis: A high-performance, user-friendly Python package for GPU-accelerated seismic modeling and subsurface imaging
Pyseis, a high-performance Python library, harnesses the power of low-level CUDA and C++
for computation, and provides a user-friendly Python interface for wave-equation modeling …
for computation, and provides a user-friendly Python interface for wave-equation modeling …
[HTML][HTML] Unveiling Accurate Seismic Imaging through the Advanced Target-Oriented Kirchhoff Migration Method
FS Dzulkefli, AH Abdul Latiff, HS Hashim, AM Majdi… - Applied Sciences, 2023 -
A major challenge for the oil and gas industry is expediting the exploration geophysics
activity. It is necessary to produce fast and accurate image of the targeted hydrocarbon …
activity. It is necessary to produce fast and accurate image of the targeted hydrocarbon …