Nonlinear forced vibration of sandwich cylindrical panel with negative Poisson's ratio auxetic honeycombs core and CNTRC face sheets

N Van Quyen, N Van Thanh, TQ Quan, ND Duc - Thin-Walled Structures, 2021 - Elsevier
Recently, auxetic cellular solids in the forms of honeycombs and carbon nanotube
reinforced composite (CNTRC) have great potential in a diverse range of applications. This …

A review on the energy absorption response and structural applications of auxetic structures

MB Francisco, JLJ Pereira, GA Oliver… - Mechanics of …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This manuscript has more than 150 papers as a reference about energy absorption of
auxetic structures and shows how several authors have approached the subject and how …

Two-scale topology optimisation of cellular materials under mixed boundary conditions

G Bertolino, M Montemurro - International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022 - Elsevier
This work proposes a theoretical/numerical framework for the topology optimisation of
anisotropic architected cellular materials at different scales. In particular, the topological …

A general multi-scale topology optimisation method for lightweight lattice structures obtained through additive manufacturing technology

M Montemurro, G Bertolino, T Roiné - Composite structures, 2021 - Elsevier
A general framework for the multi-scale topology optimisation (TO) of lattice structures (LSs)
is presented in this work. The proposed method involves: Non-Uniform Rational Basis …

Multi-scale design of multi-material lattice structures through a CAD-compatible topology optimisation algorithm

M Montemurro, T Roiné, J Pailhès - Engineering Structures, 2022 - Elsevier
This work deals with the multi-scale topology optimisation (TO) of multi-material lattice
structures. The proposed approach is based on: non-uniform rational basis spline (NURBS) …

Isogeometric shape optimization of missing rib auxetics with prescribed negative Poisson's ratio over large strains using genetic algorithm

DK Pokkalla, LH Poh, ST Quek - International Journal of Mechanical …, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper presents an isogeometric shape optimization framework using genetic algorithm
to design 2D auxetic structures with prescribed Poisson's ratio over large tensile or …