What we know and don't know about corporate social responsibility: A review and research agenda

H Aguinis, A Glavas - Journal of management, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
The authors review the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature based on 588 journal
articles and 102 books and book chapters. They offer a multilevel and multidisciplinary …

Stakeholder mismatching: A theoretical problem in empirical research on corporate social performance

DJ Wood, RE Jones - The International Journal of Organizational …, 1995 - emerald.com
This paper uses a stakeholder framework to review the empirical literature on corporate
social performance (CSP), focusing particularly on studies attempting to correlate social with …

How do employees perceive corporate responsibility? Development and validation of a multidimensional corporate stakeholder responsibility scale

A El Akremi, JP Gond, V Swaen… - Journal of …, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Recent research on the microfoundations of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has
highlighted the need for improved measures to evaluate how stakeholders perceive and …

Corporate social performance revisited

DJ Wood - Academy of management review, 1991 - journals.aom.org
This article defines corporate social performance (CSP) and reformulates the CSP model to
build a coherent, integrative framework for business and society research. Principles of …

Managerial and organizational cognition: Notes from a trip down memory lane

JP Walsh - Organization science, 1995 - pubsonline.informs.org
The study of cognition in organizations has burgeoned in recent years. Top-down
information processing theory suggests that individuals create knowledge structures to help …

Corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability: Separate pasts, common futures

I Montiel - Organization & environment, 2008 - journals.sagepub.com
This article reviews the different definitions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and
corporate sustainability (CS) used over time to reveal points of difference and congruence …

Legitimacy, visibility, and the antecedents of corporate social performance: An investigation of the instrumental perspective

SC Chiu, M Sharfman - Journal of Management, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
Using institutional theory as the foundation, this study examines the role of organizational
visibility from a variety of sources (ie, slack visibility, industry visibility, and visibility to …

Measuring CSR image: Three studies to develop and to validate a reliable measurement tool

A Pérez, I Rodríguez del Bosque - Journal of business ethics, 2013 - Springer
Although research on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) dimension of corporate
image has notably increased in recent years, the definition and measurement of the concept …

Small-business owner-managers' perceptions of business ethics and CSR-related concepts

Y Fassin, A Van Rossem, M Buelens - Journal of Business ethics, 2011 - Springer
Recent academic articles point to an increased vagueness and overlap in concepts related
to business ethics and corporate responsibility. Further, the perception of these notions can …

Do fans care? Assessing the influence of corporate social responsibility on consumer attitudes in the sport industry

M Walker, A Kent - Journal of sport management, 2009 - journals.humankinetics.com
Organizations within the sport industry are facing increasing pressure to both maintain
profitability and behave in socially acceptable ways, yet researchers have provided little …