[PDF][PDF] Participatory design and design for values

M Van der Velden, C Mörtberg, J Van den Hoven… - …, 2014 - researchgate.net
Participatory Design (PD) is a design methodology in which the future users of a design
participate as co-designers in the design process. It is a value-centred design approach …

Participatory design meets gender equality at European higher education institutions

N Iivari, E Tervo, M Käsmä, M Heikkinen - CoDesign, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Gender equality is among the sustainable development goals expected of higher education
institutions (HEIs). This paper will explore the potential and implications of participatory …

Participatory design approach to internet of things: co-designing a smart shower for and with people with disabilities

M Ferati, A Babar, K Carine, A Hamidi… - … 2018, Held as Part of HCI …, 2018 - Springer
Smart home products are becoming widespread aiming to increase people's independence,
especially for the elderly and people with disabilities. In order to design them suitably for this …

Reclaiming site analysis from co-sensing to co-ideation: A collective cartography strategy and tactical trajectories

M Heyik, DG OZER, FJ Abarca-Alvarez… - International …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
This study introduces a collective cartography strategy for analyzing complex urban spaces.
It was applied during a 7-day Erasmus+ workshop with 46 participants from universities in …

" We want to hear your voice": Power relations in participatory design

Y Guo, DG Hoe-Lian - 2014 11th International Conference on …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Pioneered in Scandinavia in the 1970s, participatory design (PD) has been recognized as
an empowering, sensitive and inclusive approach. Thus it has been applied in a wide variety …

Enhancing engagement and participation of seniors in society withthe use of Social Media: The case of a reflective participatory design method story

K Çarçani, C Mörtberg - IxD&A: Interaction Design and Architecture (s …, 2018 - diva-portal.org
An ageing population is an emerging phenomenon in Europe and the rest of the world.
Seniors face issues of social isolation and loneliness. Recently the research focus in ICT …

Performing elderliness–intra-actions with digital domestic care technologies

S Finken, C Mörtberg - ICT and Society: 11th IFIP TC 9 International …, 2014 - Springer
We discuss the process of meeting digital technology when entering a senior age, by taking
a closer look at how different modes of independence and elderliness are (co-) constituted …

[PDF][PDF] Towards a relational approach to design process

AB Kocaballi, P Gemeinboeck, R Saunders… - Proceedings of …, 2011 - anzasca.net
This research aims to develop an approach to technology design that will support relational
nature of human agency, ie the human capacity for action. Supporting relationality requires a …

Participatory design through social media: the translation of a future workshop

LFM Reyes - 2012 - duo.uio.no
Participatory Design is a maturing design tradition, which has brought valuable lessons to
design with users. By embracing the new areas of participation the tradition is now also …

Feminist technoscience as a resource for working with science practices, a critical approach, and gender equality in Swedish higher IT educations

J Sefyrin, P Elovaara, C Mörtberg - … –ICT and Climate Change: What Can …, 2018 - Springer
Science is according to the Swedish legislation for higher education (Högskoleförordningen)
a central quality aim for higher educations. In the Swedish Higher Education Authority's …