[PDF][PDF] A systematic literature review of work stress
R Burman, TG Goswami - International Journal of Management …, 2018 - academia.edu
Purpose-The purpose of this paper was to review Work stress literature and its various
definitions, demographics, methodologies and industries/research unit …
definitions, demographics, methodologies and industries/research unit …
[หนังสือ][B] Learning to teach in the secondary school: A companion to school experience
S Capel, M Leask, S Younie - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
Learning to teach involves hard work and careful preparation. To become an effective
teacher requires subject knowledge, an understanding of your pupils and how they learn …
teacher requires subject knowledge, an understanding of your pupils and how they learn …
Exploring the intended and unintended consequences of high-stakes teacher evaluation on schools, teachers, and students
AL Lavigne - Teachers College Record, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Background/Context The stakes are getting higher for teachers daily as more and more
states adopt hiring, firing, and tenure-granting policies based on teacher evaluations. Even …
states adopt hiring, firing, and tenure-granting policies based on teacher evaluations. Even …
The relationship between Korean adolescents' sports participation, internal health locus of control, and wellness during COVID-19
DJ Lee, WY So, SM Lee - … Journal of Environmental Research and Public …, 2021 - mdpi.com
This study was aimed at providing practical information to improve Korean adolescents'
wellness by empirically identifying its correlation with sports participation and having an …
wellness by empirically identifying its correlation with sports participation and having an …
[HTML][HTML] The effects of locus of control, agents of socialization and sport socialization situations on the sports participation of women in Taiwan
HC Huang, LW Liu, CM Chang, HH Hsieh… - International journal of …, 2019 - mdpi.com
Compared to men, the sports participation of women is lower, especially in the East. Not
many studies have compared the impacts of locus of control, agents of socialization, and …
many studies have compared the impacts of locus of control, agents of socialization, and …
Teaching danger and silencing desire: Gender, culture and sexuality education in Zimbabwe
Abstract In sub-Saharan Africa, the effective implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality
Education (CSE) remains challenging especially for teachers who fail to meet young …
Education (CSE) remains challenging especially for teachers who fail to meet young …
[หนังสือ][B] Perceived stress among public school music educators: Stress over time, demographic differences, common self-identified factors of stress, and relationships …
JA Doss - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Teaching frequently has been identified as a stressful occupation, warranting numerous
studies of teacher burnout, attrition, and stress. Levels of professional burnout and attrition …
studies of teacher burnout, attrition, and stress. Levels of professional burnout and attrition …
[PDF][PDF] Öğretmenlerde çalışan sessizliği, iş doyumu ve denetim odağı
H Şekerli - 2013 - dspace.ankara.edu.tr
Bu çalışmanın her aşamasında rahatlıkla ulaşabildiğim, tezimi sabırla ve dikkatle okuyarak
yaptığı düzeltme ve katkılarıyla bana rehberlik eden, muzip üslubunu elden hiç bırakmayan …
yaptığı düzeltme ve katkılarıyla bana rehberlik eden, muzip üslubunu elden hiç bırakmayan …
[HTML][HTML] Локус контроля как фактор метакогнитивной сферы личности и его специфика в образовательной деятельности
АВ Карпов, ЕВ Карпова, ЕВ Маркова - Перспективы науки и …, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
Введение. Цель работы заключалась в исследовании установлении и объяснении
закономерностей влияния локуса контроля на организацию метакогнитивной сферы …
закономерностей влияния локуса контроля на организацию метакогнитивной сферы …
[PDF][PDF] Social support and Job stress: Moderation role of Locus of control
R Karimi, F Alipour - Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2011 - researchgate.net
The purpose of this study is to investigate theoretically how locus of control can moderate
the relationship between social support and job stress so as to increase the effect of social …
the relationship between social support and job stress so as to increase the effect of social …