El análisis del discurso como perspectiva metodológica para investigadores de salud
E Urra, A Muñoz, J Peña - Enfermería universitaria, 2013 - scielo.org.mx
El discurso se considera algo más que el lenguaje oral o escrito, se refiere a cómo se usa el
lenguaje en la realidad de los contextos sociales. Esta revisión narrativa del Análisis del …
lenguaje en la realidad de los contextos sociales. Esta revisión narrativa del Análisis del …
[КНИГА][B] China's digital nationalism
F Schneider - 2018 - books.google.com
Nationalism, in China as much as elsewhere, is today adopted, filtered, transformed,
enhanced, and accelerated through digital networks. And as we have increasingly seen …
enhanced, and accelerated through digital networks. And as we have increasingly seen …
Use of qualitative methods in published health services and management research: a 10-year review
Over the past 10 years, the field of health services and management research has seen
renewed interest in the use of qualitative research methods. This article examines the …
renewed interest in the use of qualitative research methods. This article examines the …
The volatility of the discourse on refugees in Germany
B Vollmer, S Karakayali - Journal of immigrant & refugee studies, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
The anti-immigration continuum of public attitude-media-politics has undergone changes in
the course of the “refugee crisis” in Germany. By examining migrant representations and …
the course of the “refugee crisis” in Germany. By examining migrant representations and …
[КНИГА][B] Diskurslinguistik: eine Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der transtextuellen Sprachanalyse
J Spitzmüller, I Warnke - 2011 - books.google.com
Seit den 1990er Jahren hat sich die Diskurslinguistik in der Germanistischen
Sprachwissenschaft als neue Teildisziplin zur Analyse textübergreifender Muster fest …
Sprachwissenschaft als neue Teildisziplin zur Analyse textübergreifender Muster fest …
[КНИГА][B] Qualitative research methods for the social sciences
H Lune, BL Berg - 2017 - thuvienso.hoasen.edu.vn
This book is written with the recognition that different researchers in different fields each
bring their own needs and intentions to the process. Authors Howard Lune and Bruce Berg …
bring their own needs and intentions to the process. Authors Howard Lune and Bruce Berg …
The discourse-historical approach
M Reisigl - The Routledge handbook of critical discourse studies, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter introduces the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA). It explains basic
characteristics and research interests and sketches the influences of sociolinguistics …
characteristics and research interests and sketches the influences of sociolinguistics …
A useful methodological synergy? Combining critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics to examine discourses of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press
This article discusses the extent to which methods normally associated with corpus
linguistics can be effectively used by critical discourse analysts. Our research is based on …
linguistics can be effectively used by critical discourse analysts. Our research is based on …
[КНИГА][B] Media politics in China: Improvising power under authoritarianism
M Repnikova - 2017 - books.google.com
Who watches over the party-state? In this engaging analysis, Maria Repnikova reveals the
webs of an uneasy partnership between critical journalists and the state in China. More than …
webs of an uneasy partnership between critical journalists and the state in China. More than …
Doing discourse research: An introduction for social scientists
R Keller - 2012 - torrossa.com
SAGE has been part of the global academic community since 1965, supporting high quality
research and learning that transforms society and our understanding of individuals, groups …
research and learning that transforms society and our understanding of individuals, groups …