Pulling growth technique towards rare earth single crystals
CT Sun, DF Xue - Science China Technological Sciences, 2018 - Springer
Pulling growth technique serves as a popular method to grow congruent melting single
crystals with multiscale sizes ranging from micrometers to centimeters. In order to obtain …
crystals with multiscale sizes ranging from micrometers to centimeters. In order to obtain …
A couple-free structured LuAG: Ce-LuAG scintillating single crystal fiber grown by a laser-heated pedestal growth method
X Wang, X Li, M Deng, Z Zhang, F Yang… - Crystal Growth & …, 2024 - ACS Publications
LuAG: Ce scintillators with excellent physical and scintillation properties have been widely
utilized in radiation detection. However, three existing problems, such as Ce3+ ions' self …
utilized in radiation detection. However, three existing problems, such as Ce3+ ions' self …
Trends in search for bright mixed scintillators
O Sidletskiy - physica status solidi (a), 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The paper addresses the recent progress in study of light yield behavior in scintillators
based on solid solutions (mixed crystals), which are among the brightest known scintillators …
based on solid solutions (mixed crystals), which are among the brightest known scintillators …
Engineering of bulk and fiber-shaped YAGG: Ce scintillator crystals
O Sidletskiy, I Gerasymov, D Kurtsev, V Kononets… - …, 2017 - pubs.rsc.org
Composition-property correlations have been systematically studied in the full concentration
range of Y3Al5− xGaxO12: Ce (YAGG: Ce) scintillator crystals. The most promising …
range of Y3Al5− xGaxO12: Ce (YAGG: Ce) scintillator crystals. The most promising …
Micro-pulling-down growth of long YAG-and LuAG-based garnet fibres: advances and bottlenecks
O Sidletskiy, K Lebbou, D Kofanov - CrystEngComm, 2021 - pubs.rsc.org
New high-energy experiments in colliders have increased the demand for cheap and
radiation-hard detector materials that can be mass produced. The concepts of a new …
radiation-hard detector materials that can be mass produced. The concepts of a new …
Crystal growth, luminescence, and scintillation properties of Er-doped La2Hf2O7 single crystal
N Hayashi, Y Yokota, T Horiai, K Yamanoi… - Japanese Journal of …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
The growth of Er-doped La 2 Hf 2 O 7 (LHO: Er) single crystals with a high mp of 2413 C was
achieved by the melt-growth method using a tungsten (W) crucible. Polished LHO: Er …
achieved by the melt-growth method using a tungsten (W) crucible. Polished LHO: Er …
Development of YAG: Ce, Mg and YAGG: Ce scintillation fibers
V Kononets, K Lebbou, O Sidletskiy, Y Zorenko… - … of Scintillation Materials …, 2017 - Springer
The chapter overviews the status of works on fabrication of long garnet fibers for application
in high energy physics experiments. Y 3 Al 5 O 12: Ce, Mg (YAG: Ce, Mg) and Y 3 Al 5− x Ga …
in high energy physics experiments. Y 3 Al 5 O 12: Ce, Mg (YAG: Ce, Mg) and Y 3 Al 5− x Ga …
Luminescence efficiency of (Lu, Gd) 2SiO5: Ce (LGSO: Ce) crystals under X-ray radiation
The aim of the present study was to investigate the absolute luminescence efficiency (AE) of
mixed oxyorthosilicate (Lu, Gd) 2 SiO 5: Ce (LGSO: Ce) single crystals, under X-ray …
mixed oxyorthosilicate (Lu, Gd) 2 SiO 5: Ce (LGSO: Ce) single crystals, under X-ray …
Modeling of dopant segregation in sapphire single crystal fibre growth by Micro-Pulling-Down method
S Wenjia, T Duffar, A Nehari, V Kononets… - Journal of Crystal …, 2017 - Elsevier
Experiments and numerical simulations are conducted in order to study the causes and
solutions for the Ti inhomogeneity problem in Ti doped sapphire Micro-Pulling-Down (μ-PD) …
solutions for the Ti inhomogeneity problem in Ti doped sapphire Micro-Pulling-Down (μ-PD) …
Nitride and Sulfide Chemisorbed Layers as the Surface Passivants for A3B5 Semiconductors
VL Berkovits, AB Gordeeva, TV L'vova, VP Ulin… - Nuclear Radiation …, 2016 - Springer
A comparative study of the nitride and sulfide chemisorbed layers as the surface passivants
are done for (100) surfaces of InAs and GaAs. A chemical model which describes formation …
are done for (100) surfaces of InAs and GaAs. A chemical model which describes formation …