[HTML][HTML] The rise of motivational information systems: A review of gamification research
J Koivisto, J Hamari - International journal of information management, 2019 - Elsevier
Today, our reality and lives are increasingly game-like, not only because games have
become a pervasive part of our lives, but also because activities, systems and services are …
become a pervasive part of our lives, but also because activities, systems and services are …
[HTML][HTML] Gamification for health and wellbeing: A systematic review of the literature
Background Compared to traditional persuasive technology and health games, gamification
is posited to offer several advantages for motivating behaviour change for health and well …
is posited to offer several advantages for motivating behaviour change for health and well …
Gamification for educational purposes: What are the factors contributing to varied effectiveness?
Z Luo - Education and Information Technologies, 2022 - Springer
Gamification refers to the use of game-design elements or mechanisms in non-game
contexts to promote the expected behaviours. Though theoretically promising, empirical …
contexts to promote the expected behaviours. Though theoretically promising, empirical …
“Working out for likes”: An empirical study on social influence in exercise gamification
J Hamari, J Koivisto - Computers in human behavior, 2015 - Elsevier
Today, people use a variety of social and gameful (mobile) applications in order to motivate
themselves and others to maintain difficult habits such as exercise, sustainable consumption …
themselves and others to maintain difficult habits such as exercise, sustainable consumption …
[HTML][HTML] The effects of mHealth-based gamification interventions on participation in physical activity: systematic review
L Xu, H Shi, M Shen, Y Ni, X Zhang, Y Pang… - JMIR mHealth and …, 2022 - mhealth.jmir.org
Background: It is well known that regular physical exercise has associated benefits; yet,
participation remains suboptimal. Mobile health (mHealth) has become an indispensable …
participation remains suboptimal. Mobile health (mHealth) has become an indispensable …
Personalizing persuasive strategies in gameful systems to gamification user types
Persuasive gameful systems are effective tools for motivating behaviour change. Research
has shown that tailoring these systems to individuals can increase their efficacy; however …
has shown that tailoring these systems to individuals can increase their efficacy; however …
The effects of gamified customer benefits and characteristics on behavioral engagement and purchase: Evidence from mobile exercise application uses
This study investigates how gamified customer benefits (epistemic, social integrative, and
personal integrative) and customer characteristics (age and experience) influence marketing …
personal integrative) and customer characteristics (age and experience) influence marketing …
Understanding persuasion contexts in health gamification: A systematic analysis of gamified health behavior change support systems literature
T Alahäivälä, H Oinas-Kukkonen - International journal of medical …, 2016 - Elsevier
Background Gamification is increasingly used as a design strategy when develo**
behavior change support systems in the healthcare domain. It is commonly agreed that …
behavior change support systems in the healthcare domain. It is commonly agreed that …
Effectiveness of telehealth-based interventions in the management of non-specific low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis
Background Telehealth has emerged as a potential alternative to deliver interventions for
low back pain (LBP); however, its effectiveness has not been investigated. Purpose The aim …
low back pain (LBP); however, its effectiveness has not been investigated. Purpose The aim …
[HTML][HTML] Parent-focused childhood and adolescent overweight and obesity eHealth interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Background Effective broad-reach interventions to reduce childhood obesity are needed, but
there is currently little consensus on the most effective approach. Parental involvement in …
there is currently little consensus on the most effective approach. Parental involvement in …