[HTML][HTML] A new model for determining weight coefficients of criteria in mcdm models: Full consistency method (fucom)

D Pamučar, Ž Stević, S Sremac - symmetry, 2018 - mdpi.com
In this paper, a new multi-criteria problem solving method—the Full Consistency Method
(FUCOM)—is proposed. The model implies the definition of two groups of constraints that …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of the railway management model by using a new integrated model DELPHI-SWARA-MABAC

S Vesković, Ž Stević, G Stojić, M Vasiljević… - … in Management and …, 2018 - researchgate.net
The functioning of each traffic system depends to a great extent on the way the rail transport
system operates. Taking into account the aspect of market turbulence and the dependence …

[PDF][PDF] A novel multicriteria approach–rough step-wise weight assessment ratio analysis method (R-SWARA) and its application in logistics

EK Zavadskas, Ž Stević, I Tanackov… - Studies in Informatics …, 2018 - researchgate.net
A decision-making process often requires knowledge of numerous parameters and their
interaction in order to make valid decisions that will result in meeting the objectives set. Multi …

The impact of Industry 4.0 on the relationship between TPM and maintenance performance

G Tortorella, TA Saurin, FS Fogliatto, D Tlapa… - Journal of …, 2022 - emerald.com
Purpose In this paper, the authors examine the impact of Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) technologies on
the relationship between total productive maintenance (TPM) practices and maintenance …

Digitalization of maintenance: exploratory study on the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies and total productive maintenance practices

GL Tortorella, TA Saurin, FS Fogliatto… - … Planning & Control, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This paper analyzes the joint adoption of Industry 4.0 (I4. 0) technologies and Total
Productive Maintenance (TPM) practices in manufacturing firms. For that, we surveyed 335 …

Multi-criteria decision making based on intuitionistic cubic fuzzy numbers

Muneeza, S Abdullah, M Qiyas, MA Khan - Granular Computing, 2022 - Springer
This paper develops fuzzy multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach to evaluate
performance of airports according to the passengers' perspective. Assessments for …

Apakah Gemba Kaizen Mampu Meningkatkan Kinerja Nonkeuangan Perguruan Tinggi?

M Zamzami, N Novita - Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma, 2021 - jamal.ub.ac.id
TINGGI? Page 1 207 Abstrak - Apakah Gemba Kaizen Mampu Meningkatkan Kinerja …

[PDF][PDF] An application for reduction of the non-value activities by Kaizen costing method in the Kentau Transformer Plant

D Kelesbayev, H Kozhabayev… - Entrepreneurship and …, 2020 - researchgate.net
Businesses that plan to protect and maintain their assets in increasingly competitive global
environment focus on activities that do not create value and reduce the cost of these …

A model for determining weight coefficients by forming a non-decreasing series at criteria significance levels (NDSL)

M Žižović, D Pamučar, G Ćirović, MM Žižović… - Mathematics, 2020 - mdpi.com
In this paper, a new method for determining weight coefficients by forming a non-decreasing
series at criteria significance levels (the NDSL method) is presented. The NDLS method …

A multicriteria decision-making approach to create accessible environments to empower mobility-impaired individuals

SM Alzanin, AH Gumaei - Journal of Disability Research, 2024 - scienceopen.com
Individuals with mobility disabilities can experience numerous health advantages when
connecting with nature in various ways, such as passive enjoyment, active participation, or …