Best practices for collecting and preserving marine mammal biological samples in the 'omics era
The recent rise of 'omics and other molecular research technologies alongside improved
techniques for tissue preservation have broadened the scope of marine mammal research …
techniques for tissue preservation have broadened the scope of marine mammal research …
A review of genomics methods and bioinformatics tools for the analysis of close-kin mark-recapture
L Casas, F Saborido-Rey - Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Stock assessments serve to monitor the condition of fish stocks and exploit them sustainably
but require accurate data such as growth and mortality rates as input parameters. Most …
but require accurate data such as growth and mortality rates as input parameters. Most …
Benchmarking ultra-high molecular weight DNA preservation methods for long-read and long-range sequencing
HA Dahn, J Mountcastle, J Balacco, S Winkler… - …, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Background Studies in vertebrate genomics require sampling from a broad range of tissue
types, taxa, and localities. Recent advancements in long-read and long-range genome …
types, taxa, and localities. Recent advancements in long-read and long-range genome …
Plastic plumage colouration in response to experimental humidity supports Gloger's rule
Knowing how animals adapt their phenotype to local temperature and humidity is key to
understanding not only ecogeographical rules, but also how species will manage climate …
understanding not only ecogeographical rules, but also how species will manage climate …
Draft genome assemblies of the avian louse Brueelia nebulosa and its associates using long-read sequencing from an individual specimen
Sequencing high molecular weight (HMW) DNA with long-read and linked-read
technologies has promoted a major increase in more complete genome sequences for …
technologies has promoted a major increase in more complete genome sequences for …
Affordable de novo generation of fish mitogenomes using amplification‐free enrichment of mitochondrial DNA and deep sequencing of long fragments
Biomonitoring surveys make use of metabarcoding tools to describe the community
composition. These studies match their sequencing results against public genomic …
composition. These studies match their sequencing results against public genomic …
Mitochondrial genomes reveal mid-Pleistocene population divergence, and post-glacial expansion, in Australasian snapper (Chrysophrys auratus)
Glacial cycles play important roles in determining the phylogeographic structure of terrestrial
species, however, relatively little is known about their impacts on the distribution of marine …
species, however, relatively little is known about their impacts on the distribution of marine …
Extension of mitogenome enrichment based on single long-range PCR: mtDNAs and putative mitochondrial-derived peptides of five rodent hibernators
SV Emser, H Schaschl, E Millesi, R Steinborn - Frontiers in genetics, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Enriching mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for sequencing entire mitochondrial genomes
(mitogenomes) can be achieved by single long-range PCR. This avoids interference from …
(mitogenomes) can be achieved by single long-range PCR. This avoids interference from …
High-Resolution Melting (HRM) Analysis for Rapid Molecular Identification of Sparidae Species in the Greek Fish Market
E Chatzoglou, N Tsaousi, AP Apostolidis… - Genes, 2023 - mdpi.com
The red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) and the common dentex (Dentex dentex) are Sparidae
species of high commercial value, traded in the Greek market. In some cases, fish species …
species of high commercial value, traded in the Greek market. In some cases, fish species …
Genetic Diversity Evaluation and Conservation of Topmouth Culter (Culter alburnus) Germplasm in Five River Basins in China
M He, DA Fang, Y Chen, H Sun, H Luo, Y Ren, T Li - Biology, 2022 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary To better protect and manage the germplasm resources of the topmouth
culter (Culter alburnus), it is important to explore the current status of its genetic diversity. In …
culter (Culter alburnus), it is important to explore the current status of its genetic diversity. In …