The datafication of data journalism scholarship: Focal points, methods, and research propositions for the investigation of data-intensive newswork
This article explores the existing research literature on data journalism. Over the past years,
this emerging journalistic practice has attracted significant attention from researchers in …
this emerging journalistic practice has attracted significant attention from researchers in …
Artificial Intelligence in Journalism: A Ten-Year Retrospective of Scientific Articles (2014–2023)
Academic interest in AI in journalism has been growing since 2018. Through a systematic
review of the literature from 2014 to 2023, this study discusses the evolution of research in …
review of the literature from 2014 to 2023, this study discusses the evolution of research in …
Addressing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Journalism: The perception of experts, journalists and academics
A Noain Sánchez - 2022 - burjcdigital.urjc.es
Over the last decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become gradually more prevalent in
mass media and news agency newsrooms. This growing tendency has prompted intense …
mass media and news agency newsrooms. This growing tendency has prompted intense …
Map** the field of algorithmic journalism
KN Dörr - Digital journalism, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
With software automatically producing texts in natural language from structured data, the
evolution of natural language generation (NLG) is changing traditional news production. The …
evolution of natural language generation (NLG) is changing traditional news production. The …
Clarifying journalism's quantitative turn: A typology for evaluating data journalism, computational journalism, and computer-assisted reporting
As quantitative forms have become more prevalent in professional journalism, it has become
increasingly important to distinguish between them and examine their roles in contemporary …
increasingly important to distinguish between them and examine their roles in contemporary …
I, robot. You, journalist. Who is the author? Authorship, bylines and full disclosure in automated journalism
The broadening reliance on algorithms to generate news automatically, referred to as
“automated journalism” or “robot journalism”, has significant practical, sociopolitical …
“automated journalism” or “robot journalism”, has significant practical, sociopolitical …
Big data and journalism: Epistemology, expertise, economics, and ethics
Big data is a social, cultural, and technological phenomenon—a complex amalgamation of
digital data abundance, emerging analytic techniques, mythology about data-driven insights …
digital data abundance, emerging analytic techniques, mythology about data-driven insights …
Algorithms for journalism: The future of news work
Software-generated news, sometimes called “robot journalism,” has recently given rise to
concerns that the automation of news will make journalists redundant. These arguments …
concerns that the automation of news will make journalists redundant. These arguments …
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Journalism: transformations in the company, products, contents and professional profile
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most promising innovation frameworks with the
potential to transform our relationship with technology. Particularly in journalism, AI is …
potential to transform our relationship with technology. Particularly in journalism, AI is …
Decades of Automation in the Newsroom: Why are there still so many jobs in journalism?
This case study takes a brief look at commercial operations with automated news in the
United States as well as five European countries to explore how the logic of journalism has …
United States as well as five European countries to explore how the logic of journalism has …