[ספר][B] Celestial encounters: the origins of chaos and stability

F Diacu, P Holmes - 1999‏ - books.google.com
Celestial Encounters is for anyone who has ever wondered about the foundations of chaos.
In 1888, the 34-year-old Henri Poincaré submitted a paper that was to change the course of …

Some problems on the classical n-body problem

A Albouy, HE Cabral, AA Santos - Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical …, 2012‏ - Springer
Our idea is to imitate Smale's list of problems, in a restricted domain of mathematical aspects
of Celestial Mechanics. All the problems are on the n-body problem, some with different …

Out-of-plane dynamics: a study within the circular restricted eight-body framework

MJ Idrisi, MS Ullah, W Tenna, MT Khan, MF Khan… - New Astronomy, 2024‏ - Elsevier
This manuscript thoroughly explores the dynamics of a test particle around out-of-plane
equilibrium points within the circular restricted eight-body problem. This particular scenario …

Central configurations of the planar coorbitalsatellite problem

JM Cors, J Llibre, M Ollé - Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2004‏ - Springer
We study the planar central configurations of the 1+ n body problem where one mass is
large and the other n masses are infinitesimal and equal. We find analytically all these …

On the planar central configurations of the 4-body problem with three equal masses

J Bernat, J Llibre, E Perez-Chavela - preprint, 2009‏ - online.watsci.org
Taking conveniently the unity of mass we can assume that three masses are equal to 1, and
the fourth one is m. First, we prove that if a central configuration has an axis of symmetry …

On the central configurations of the planar 1+ 3 body problem

M Corbera, JM Cors, J Llibre - Celestial mechanics and dynamical …, 2011‏ - Springer
We consider the Newtonian four-body problem in the plane with a dominat mass M. We
study the planar central configurations of this problem when the remaining masses are …

Bifurcation of relative equilibria of the (1+ 3)-body problem

M Corbera, J Cors, J Llibre, R Moeckel - SIAM Journal on Mathematical …, 2015‏ - SIAM
We study the relative equilibria of the limit case of the planar Newtonian 4-body problem
when three masses tend to zero, the so-called (1+ 3)-body problem. Depending on the …

The vortex dynamics analogue of the restricted three-body problem: advection in the field of three identical point vortices

Z Neufeld, T Tél - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1997‏ - iopscience.iop.org
The passive advection of tracers in the field of three identical point vortices is considered as
the hydrodynamical analogue of the restricted three-body problem. The chaotic motion is …

Periodic orbits of discrete and continuous dynamical systems via Poincar\'{e}-Miranda theorem

A Gasull, V Mañosa - arxiv preprint arxiv:1809.06208, 2018‏ - arxiv.org
We present a systematic methodology to determine and locate analytically isolated periodic
points of discrete and continuous dynamical systems with algebraic nature. We apply this …

On Maxwell's (n+ 1)-body problem in the Manev-type field and on the associated restricted problem

V Mioc, M Stavinschi - Physica Scripta, 1999‏ - iopscience.iop.org
Abstract The planar symmetrical (n+ 1)-body problem in a Manev-type field (featured by a
potential of the form α/r+ β/r 2) is being tackled. One proves that, if n equal masses are …