[HTML][HTML] Towards a kerogen-to-graphite kinetic model by means of Raman spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material has become the most used
geothermometer in Earth science studies. However, its application in very different settings …
geothermometer in Earth science studies. However, its application in very different settings …
[HTML][HTML] The petrology of dispersed organic matter in sedimentary rocks: Review and update
Organic petrology developed from coal petrology, and, in the 1960s, it began to be applied
to the study of dispersed organic matter (DOM) in sedimentary rocks other than coal. Over …
to the study of dispersed organic matter (DOM) in sedimentary rocks other than coal. Over …
Depositional conditions, wildfires, maturity, and hydrocarbon potential evaluation of Central Carpathian Paleogene Basin based on integrative approach from Orava …
Abstract Central Carpathian Paleogene Basin (CCPB, Central Western Carpathians)
comprises mainly Oligocene clastic autochthonous age-equivalents of the widely known …
comprises mainly Oligocene clastic autochthonous age-equivalents of the widely known …
High-temperature rheological behavior and non-isothermal pyrolysis mechanism of macerals separated from different coals
It is a challenge to accurately characterize the caking behavior of coal after thermal softening
and its reaction mechanism. In this work, the formation behavior of metaplast during coal …
and its reaction mechanism. In this work, the formation behavior of metaplast during coal …
Thermal evolution of graptolite and solid bitumen properties at high maturity under natural and artificial conditions
To refine the use of graptolite and solid bitumen as thermal proxies at overmature
conditions, we evaluated their evolution via Raman and infrared (IR) spectroscopies …
conditions, we evaluated their evolution via Raman and infrared (IR) spectroscopies …
Relating systematic compositional variability to the textural occurrence of solid bitumen in shales
This study presents Raman spectroscopic data paired with scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) images to assess solid bitumen composition as a function of solid bitumen texture …
(SEM) images to assess solid bitumen composition as a function of solid bitumen texture …
Preservation of labile organic compounds in sapropelic coals from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland
Sapropelic coals were taken for study from coal mines and coal waste dumps in Upper
Silesian Coal Basin (USCB), Poland. They showed unusual molecular compositions …
Silesian Coal Basin (USCB), Poland. They showed unusual molecular compositions …
Insights on using solid bitumen reflectance as a thermal maturity proxy in the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, USA
To further refine the use of solid bitumen reflectance (BRo in%) as a measurement of
thermal maturity in source-rock reservoirs, we examined its relationship to other thermal …
thermal maturity in source-rock reservoirs, we examined its relationship to other thermal …
Insight into the separation mechanism of coal macerals by micro characterization and density functional theory calculation
Y Kuang, L Zhang, L Wu, X Liu, Z Wei, J Chen, S Zhang - Fuel, 2023 - Elsevier
It is of great significance to reveal the specific separation behavior of macerals for realizing
the classification and utilization of coal resources. In this article, the separation mechanism …
the classification and utilization of coal resources. In this article, the separation mechanism …
Map** ancient sedimentary organic matter molecular structure at nanoscales using optical photothermal infrared spectroscopy
Elucidating the molecular structure of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) is key to
understanding petroleum generation processes, as well as ancient sedimentary …
understanding petroleum generation processes, as well as ancient sedimentary …