Patterns of seagrass macrobenthic biodiversity in the warm-temperate Knysna estuarine bay, Western Cape: a review

RSK Barnes - Aquatic Ecology, 2021 - Springer
Knysna estuarine bay in South Africa's Garden Route National Park is that country's most
significant estuarine system for biodiversity and conservation value. One outstanding feature …

Analysing 70 years of research output on South African estuaries using bibliometric indicators

C Olisah, JB Adams - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2021 - Elsevier
This study examined scientific papers published in authoritative international journals
authored by researchers working on South African estuaries between 1949 and 2020 …

Blue carbon stocks in southern Africa's Endangered seagrass Zostera capensis

J Wasserman, LRD Human, JB Adams - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf …, 2023 - Elsevier
Blue carbon research, although rapidly expanding, still requires site-and species-specific
assessments to inform decision-making and policy formation. In this study, C stocks were …

A socio-ecological systems approach towards future research for the restoration, conservation and management of southern African estuaries

JB Adams, AK Whitfield… - African Journal of Aquatic …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This Reflections article highlights the growing pressures that southern African estuaries are
experiencing in the Anthropocene, as identified by the research presented in this Special …

[HTML][HTML] The occurrence of a rich subtidal macrobenthic fauna in through-flow residential marina canals, and the potential of such systems to be managed as …

RSK Barnes, JL Seath - Ocean & Coastal Management, 2024 - Elsevier
The subtidal soft-sediment macrobenthos of a residential coastal marina's 25 ha through-
flow canal system was investigated in relation to that in the adjacent natural waterways. The …

[HTML][HTML] Reduction in pollution load to an urban estuary using a sustainable drainage system treatment train

T Mmachaka, MA Nel, B Snow, JB Adams - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023 - Elsevier
Rapid urbanisation and industrialisation have placed increased pressure on the ecosystem
health of urban estuaries. Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are globally accepted …

The depositional history of the Knysna estuary since European colonization in the context of sea level and human impacts

KL Kirsten, L Pretorius, ME Meadows, R Weij… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2023 -
Introduction Estuaries are highly vulnerable systems and increasingly exposed to a number
of environmental, climatic and human-induced stressors. The Knysna estuary and lagoon …

Assessment of two non-invasive techniques for measuring turbulent benthic fluxes in a shallow lake

F Breton, GC Souza, A Lorke, P Dubois, M Jodeau… - Environmental …, 2024 - Elsevier
Benthic fluxes refer to the exchange rates of nutrients and other compounds between the
water column and the sediment bed in aquatic ecosystems. Their quantification contributes …

[HTML][HTML] The meaning of Benthic Ecological Quality status through a warm temperate South African estuary and in a contained blind-ending marina

RSK Barnes, JL Seath - Ocean & Coastal Management, 2025 - Elsevier
Successful management relies on accurate information on local environmental health. A
typical macrofaunal assemblage-composition index, the BO2A (Benthic Opportunist …

[PDF][PDF] Benthic and planktonic invertebrates of the Knysna Estuary

RSK Barnes, TH Wooldridge… - … Estuary—jewel of …, 2023 -
As pointed out in Chapter 1, the invertebrates of the Knysna Estuary have been under
investigation since the late 1940s when Professor John Day and his colleagues Naomi …