The global food‐energy‐water nexus
Water availability is a major factor constraining humanity's ability to meet the future food and
energy needs of a growing and increasingly affluent human population. Water plays an …
energy needs of a growing and increasingly affluent human population. Water plays an …
Pricing irrigation water: a review of theory and practice
Increasing economic pressures on water resources are causing countries to (re) consider
various mechanisms to improve water use efficiency. This is especially true for irrigation …
various mechanisms to improve water use efficiency. This is especially true for irrigation …
[KNIHA][B] The institutional economics of water: a cross-country analysis of institutions and performance
We are both impressed by the book. It merits prominent publication as a far-reaching
application of innovative methodologies to an important, and well explained, worldwide …
application of innovative methodologies to an important, and well explained, worldwide …
Climate, water, and agriculture
R Mendelsohn, A Dinar - Land economics, 2003 - le.uwpress.org
This study explores the interaction between climate, water, and agriculture. We test whether
surface water withdrawal can help explain the variation of farm values across the United …
surface water withdrawal can help explain the variation of farm values across the United …
An integrated assessment of water markets: a cross-country comparison
This article presents an integrated framework for assessing water markets in terms of their
institutional foundations, economic efficiency, and environmental sustainability. This …
institutional foundations, economic efficiency, and environmental sustainability. This …
[HTML][HTML] Develo** a water market readiness assessment framework
Water markets are increasingly proposed as a demand-management strategy to deal with
water scarcity. Water trading arrangements, on their own, are not about setting bio-physical …
water scarcity. Water trading arrangements, on their own, are not about setting bio-physical …
Water: Abundance, scarcity, and security in the age of humanity
JJ Schmidt - Water, 2017 - degruyter.com
Humans take more than their geological share of water, but they do not benefit from it
equally. This imbalance has created an era of intense water scarcity that affects the security …
equally. This imbalance has created an era of intense water scarcity that affects the security …
An overview of water reallocation and the barriers to its implementation
The growing number of areas facing water scarcity necessitates adaptive water
management strategies beyond traditional water supply and demand management …
management strategies beyond traditional water supply and demand management …
Efficient water market mechanisms to cope with water scarcity
H Bjornlund - Water Resources Development, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
Water markets are increasingly being relied upon as an instrument to reallocate water
between competing users under conditions of water scarcity, and within an environment of …
between competing users under conditions of water scarcity, and within an environment of …
Comparative assessment of water markets: insights from the Murray–Darling Basin of Australia and the Western USA
Water markets in Australia's Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) and the western USA are
compared in terms of their ability to allocate scarce water resources. The study finds that the …
compared in terms of their ability to allocate scarce water resources. The study finds that the …