Financial oikonomization: the financial government and administration of the household
This article introduces a new social scientific understanding of the relationship between
households and finance. We call it financial oikonomization. Financial oikonomization …
households and finance. We call it financial oikonomization. Financial oikonomization …
Business networks and sustainability: Past, present and future
There is a growing call for more network-level research on sustainability within marketing
that avoids a narrow interorganisational focus. Business networks have a crucial role to play …
that avoids a narrow interorganisational focus. Business networks have a crucial role to play …
[کتاب][B] A critical history of poverty finance: Colonial roots and neoliberal failures
N Bernards - 2022 - library.oapen.org
The definitive account of the history of poverty finance'-Susanne Soederberg Finance,
mobile and digital technologies-or'fintech'-are being heralded in the world of development …
mobile and digital technologies-or'fintech'-are being heralded in the world of development …
Decentralisation: A multidisciplinary perspective
Decentralisation as a concept is attracting a lot of interest, not least with the rise of
decentralised and distributed techno-social systems like Bitcoin, and distributed ledgers …
decentralised and distributed techno-social systems like Bitcoin, and distributed ledgers …
Geographies of marketization: Studying markets in postneoliberal times
C Berndt, M Boeckler - Progress in Human Geography, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper is as an invitation to rethink social studies of economization and geographies of
marketization at a time when the heydays of neoliberal marketization seem to be over. After …
marketization at a time when the heydays of neoliberal marketization seem to be over. After …
The folds of social finance: Making markets, remaking the social
The global financial crisis acted as a spur to 'social finance', a loose grou** of markets
demarcated on the grounds of their ostensible social purpose. This article's critical analysis …
demarcated on the grounds of their ostensible social purpose. This article's critical analysis …
State‐owned Enterprises and the Politics of Financializing Infrastructure Development in Indonesia: De‐risking at the Limit?
The need for emerging economies to develop infrastructure in order to drive catch‐up
growth has become a common refrain in policy circuits. The dominant norm promulgated …
growth has become a common refrain in policy circuits. The dominant norm promulgated …
Frontier tourism development and inequality in the Nepal Himalaya
This article proposes 'frontier tourism development'as an apt analytical lens through which to
understand contemporary tourism development in rural peripheries. Based on a rich case …
understand contemporary tourism development in rural peripheries. Based on a rich case …
Towards failed renewable energy communities? Activist attempts to change market conditions in the Danish wind energy market
Denmark is known for its bottom-up, participatory approach to develo** renewable energy
communities, and yet wind power has become 'big business' in Denmark and other …
communities, and yet wind power has become 'big business' in Denmark and other …
Governing urban resilience: Insurance and the problematization of climate change
This paper examines the growing importance of private insurance in urban resilience,
drawing on research in three US cities that are bellwethers of climate adaptation: New …
drawing on research in three US cities that are bellwethers of climate adaptation: New …