Oxygen isotopes in bioarchaeology: Principles and applications, challenges and opportunities

S Pederzani, K Britton - Earth-Science Reviews, 2019 - Elsevier
Oxygen isotope analyses of skeletal remains (18 O/16 O, δ 18 O) are a powerful tool for
exploring major themes in bioarchaeology (the study of biological archaeological remains) …

How cold was it for Neanderthals moving to Central Europe during warm phases of the last glaciation?

G Skrzypek, A Wiśniewski, PF Grierson - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
Precise estimates of mean annual temperature (MAT) for when Neanderthals occupied
Central Europe are critical for understanding the role that climatic and associated …

Revisiting carbonate quantification in apatite (bio) minerals: a validated FTIR methodology

A Grunenwald, C Keyser, AM Sautereau… - Journal of …, 2014 - Elsevier
Carbonated apatites represent an important class of compounds encountered in many fields
including anthropology, archeology, geology, medicine and biomaterials engineering. They …

Dinosaur Body Temperatures Determined from Isotopic (13C-18O) Ordering in Fossil Biominerals

RA Eagle, T Tütken, TS Martin, AK Tripati, HC Fricke… - science, 2011 - science.org
The nature of the physiology and thermal regulation of the nonavian dinosaurs is the subject
of debate. Previously, arguments have been made for both endothermic and ectothermic …

Triple oxygen isotopes in biogenic and sedimentary carbonates

BH Passey, H Hu, H Ji, S Montanari, S Li… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2014 - Elsevier
Abstract The 17 O anomaly (Δ 17 O) of natural waters has been shown to be sensitive to
evaporation in a way analogous to deuterium excess, with evaporated bodies of water (eg …

Eocene shark teeth from peninsular Antarctica: Windows to habitat use and paleoceanography

G Larocca Conte, A Aleksinski, A Liao… - Paleoceanography …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Eocene climate cooling, driven by the falling pCO2 and tectonic changes in the Southern
Ocean, impacted marine ecosystems. Sharks in high‐latitude oceans, sensitive to these …

Pastoralism in northern Peru during pre-Hispanic times: insights from the Mochica Period (100–800 AD) based on stable isotopic analysis of domestic camelids

E Dufour, N Goepfert, B Gutiérrez Léon, C Chauchat… - PloS one, 2014 - journals.plos.org
Llama (Lama glama) and alpaca (Vicugna pacos) are the only large domesticated animals
indigenous to the Americas. Pastoralism occupies a fundamental economic, social and …

Thermophysiologies of Jurassic marine crocodylomorphs inferred from the oxygen isotope composition of their tooth apatite

N Séon, R Amiot, JE Martin… - … of the Royal …, 2020 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Teleosauridae and Metriorhynchidae were thalattosuchian crocodylomorph clades that
secondarily adapted to marine life and coexisted during the Middle to Late Jurassic. While …

Global climate perturbations during the Permo-Triassic mass extinctions recorded by continental tetrapods from South Africa

K Rey, R Amiot, F Fourel, T Rigaudier, F Abdala… - Gondwana …, 2016 - Elsevier
Several studies of the marine sedimentary record have documented the evolution of global
climate during the Permo-Triassic mass extinction. By contrast, the continental records have …

Environment and ecology of East Asian dinosaurs during the Early Cretaceous inferred from stable oxygen and carbon isotopes in apatite

R Amiot, X Wang, Z Zhou, X Wang, C Lécuyer… - Journal of Asian Earth …, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract During the cold Late Barremian–Early Albian interval, terrestrial environments in
East Asia were populated by rich and diverse vertebrate faunas characterized by a strong …