Climbing the social ladder: the molecular evolution of sociality
Genomic tools are allowing us to dissect the roles of genes and genetic architecture in social
evolution, and eusocial insects are excellent models. Numerous hypotheses for molecular …
evolution, and eusocial insects are excellent models. Numerous hypotheses for molecular …
Understanding the relationship between brain gene expression and social behavior: lessons from the honey bee
Behavior is a complex phenotype that is plastic and evolutionarily labile. The advent of
genomics has revolutionized the field of behavioral genetics by providing tools to quantify …
genomics has revolutionized the field of behavioral genetics by providing tools to quantify …
Molecular signatures of plastic phenotypes in two eusocial insect species with simple societies
Phenotypic plasticity is important in adaptation and shapes the evolution of organisms.
However, we understand little about what aspects of the genome are important in facilitating …
However, we understand little about what aspects of the genome are important in facilitating …
Neuromolecular responses to social challenge: common mechanisms across mouse, stickleback fish, and honey bee
Certain complex phenotypes appear repeatedly across diverse species due to processes of
evolutionary conservation and convergence. In some contexts like developmental body …
evolutionary conservation and convergence. In some contexts like developmental body …
Molecular evolution of insect sociality: an eco-evo-devo perspective
The evolution of eusociality is a perennial issue in evolutionary biology, and genomic
advances have fueled steadily growing interest in the genetic changes underlying social …
advances have fueled steadily growing interest in the genetic changes underlying social …
Sociality sculpts similar patterns of molecular evolution in two independently evolved lineages of eusocial bees
While it is well known that the genome can affect social behavior, recent models posit that
social lifestyles can, in turn, influence genome evolution. Here, we perform the most …
social lifestyles can, in turn, influence genome evolution. Here, we perform the most …
Assessment of fight outcome is needed to activate socially driven transcriptional changes in the zebrafish brain
Group living animals must be able to express different behavior profiles depending on their
social status. Therefore, the same genotype may translate into different behavioral …
social status. Therefore, the same genotype may translate into different behavioral …
The process and outcome of the Africanization of honey bees in Mexico: Lessons and future directions
The Africanization of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) in the Americas is among the most
extensive insect invasions in the world, with large-scale effects on the economy and ecology …
extensive insect invasions in the world, with large-scale effects on the economy and ecology …
Genetic accommodation and behavioural evolution: insights from genomic studies
Many behaviours vary in response to the environment (biotic or abiotic) and therefore
represent an interesting form of phenotypic plasticity. Behavioural plasticity, like other plastic …
represent an interesting form of phenotypic plasticity. Behavioural plasticity, like other plastic …
Ecto- and endoparasite induce similar chemical and brain neurogenomic responses in the honey bee (Apis mellifera)
CM McDonnell, C Alaux, H Parrinello, JP Desvignes… - BMC ecology, 2013 - Springer
Background Exclusion from a social group is an effective way to avoid parasite transmission.
This type of social removal has also been proposed as a form of collective defense, or social …
This type of social removal has also been proposed as a form of collective defense, or social …