Global plant virus disease pandemics and epidemics

RAC Jones - Plants, 2021 -
The world's staple food crops, and other food crops that optimize human nutrition, suffer from
global virus disease pandemics and epidemics that greatly diminish their yields and/or …

World management of geminiviruses

MR Rojas, MA Macedo, MR Maliano… - Annual review of …, 2018 -
Management of geminiviruses is a worldwide challenge because of the widespread
distribution of economically important diseases caused by these viruses. Regardless of the …

[HTML][HTML] A VGG-19 model with transfer learning and image segmentation for classification of tomato leaf disease

TH Nguyen, TN Nguyen, BV Ngo - AgriEngineering, 2022 -
Tomato leaves can have different diseases which can affect harvest performance. Therefore,
accurate classification for the early detection of disease for treatment is very important. This …

Resistance genes on the verge of plant–virus interaction

S Sett, A Prasad, M Prasad - Trends in Plant Science, 2022 -
Viruses are acellular pathogens that cause severe infections in plants, resulting in
worldwide crop losses every year. The lack of chemical agents to control viral diseases …

Effect of potato apical leaf curl disease on glycemic index and resistant starch of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers

MK Lal, RK Tiwari, R Kumar, KC Naga, A Kumar… - Food Chemistry, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus-potato (ToLCNDV-potato) causes potato apical
leaf curl disease which severely affects nutritional parameters such as carbohydrate, protein …

Global advances in tomato virome research: current status and the impact of high-throughput sequencing

MPS Rivarez, A Vučurović, N Mehle… - Frontiers in …, 2021 -
Viruses cause a big fraction of economically important diseases in major crops, including
tomato. In the past decade (2011–2020), many emerging or re-emerging tomato-infecting …

Disease pandemics and major epidemics arising from new encounters between indigenous viruses and introduced crops

RAC Jones - Viruses, 2020 -
Virus disease pandemics and epidemics that occur in the world's staple food crops pose a
major threat to global food security, especially in develo** countries with tropical or …

The Sw5a gene confers resistance to ToLCNDV and triggers an HR response after direct AC4 effector recognition

N Sharma, PP Sahu, A Prasad… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 -
Several attempts have been made to identify antiviral genes against Tomato leaf curl New
Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) and related viruses. This has led to the recognition of Ty genes (Ty1 …

Life on the edge: geminiviruses at the interface between crops and wild plant hosts

F García-Arenal, FM Zerbini - Annual Review of Virology, 2019 -
Viruses constitute the largest group of emerging pathogens, and geminiviruses (plant
viruses with circular, single-stranded DNA genomes) are the major group of emerging plant …

The global dimension of tomato yellow leaf curl disease: Current status and breeding perspectives

Z Yan, AMA Wolters, J Navas-Castillo, Y Bai - Microorganisms, 2021 -
Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) caused by tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)
and a group of related begomoviruses is an important disease which in recent years has …