Providing a positive learning experience for international students studying at UK universities: A literature review
S Lillyman, C Bennett - Journal of Research in international …, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Much of the current literature relating to international students at university level tends to
highlight their experiences from a deficit perspective and in some cases even problematises …
highlight their experiences from a deficit perspective and in some cases even problematises …
The morphing of academic practice: Unbundling and the rise of the para‐academic
B Macfarlane - Higher Education Quarterly, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Teaching, research and service are the three conventional elements of academic practice,
recognised on an international basis. However, evidence suggests that academic practice is …
recognised on an international basis. However, evidence suggests that academic practice is …
Do or die: Student support interventions for the survival of distance education institutions in a competitive higher education system
RS Netanda, J Mamabolo… - Studies in Higher …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Despite numerous supports for undergraduates, low success rate has been a growing
concern in the South African university system. Guided by Moore's [1993.“Theory of …
concern in the South African university system. Guided by Moore's [1993.“Theory of …
Afro-Caribbean international students' ethnic identity development: Fluidity, intersectionality, agency, and performativity
ZT Malcolm, P Mendoza - Journal of College Student Development, 2014 - muse.jhu.edu
Afro-Caribbean international students (ACIS) often become engrossed in a complex racial
and ethnic dialogue wherein they are thrust into homogenous categorizations forcing them …
and ethnic dialogue wherein they are thrust into homogenous categorizations forcing them …
Use of campus support services by Ontario college students
P Dietsche - Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 2012 - cjhe-rces.ca
Offering an array of support services to meet the diverse needs of post-secondary learners
assumes that these services improve success by providing students with compensatory …
assumes that these services improve success by providing students with compensatory …
Develo** social integration to enhance student retention and success in higher education: the GROW@ BU initiative
B Gail Thomas, J Hanson - Widening participation and lifelong …, 2014 - ingentaconnect.com
Widening participation and ensuring fair access to universities for 'non-traditional'students is
a major concern of higher education in England. Outcomes are evaluated in terms of …
a major concern of higher education in England. Outcomes are evaluated in terms of …
The views of international students regarding university support services in Australia: A case study
PA Roberts, D Boldy… - International …, 2015 - openjournals.library.sydney.edu.au
This paper reports on a study aimed at develo** an improved understanding of the
support needs of international students. Using a case study approach at one Australian …
support needs of international students. Using a case study approach at one Australian …
Time for student-centred learning?
K Geven, A Attard - European higher education at the crossroads: between …, 2012 - Springer
Abstract 'Student-centred learning'has progressively become an important notion in the
creation of the European Higher Education Area. Unfortunately, it is also a notoriously vague …
creation of the European Higher Education Area. Unfortunately, it is also a notoriously vague …
Towards a reframing of student support: A case study approach
PA Roberts, K Dunworth, D Boldy - Higher Education, 2018 - Springer
This paper reports on a study that investigated the range of institutional support needs of
international students at one Australian university with a view to increasing understanding of …
international students at one Australian university with a view to increasing understanding of …
Student voice in personal tutoring
A Raby - Frontiers in Education, 2020 - frontiersin.org
This study focuses on student voices within personal tutoring at the University of Lincoln. It
asks the questions: What do students think of their personal tutoring experience at the …
asks the questions: What do students think of their personal tutoring experience at the …