A fundamental view on the process of conceptual modeling

SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper… - … on Conceptual Modeling, 2005 - Springer
In an ongoing effort to better understand the process of creating conceptual models (in
particular formal ones), we present a fundamental view of the process of modeling. We base …

[PDF][PDF] Formal modelling as a grounded conversation

SJBA Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper, TP van der Weide - 2005 - repository.ubn.ru.nl
In this paper we discuss a LAP-related view on the phenomenon of general (formal)
modelling (including conceptual modelling, business modelling, but also software …

A methodological framework for viewpoint-oriented conceptual modeling

J Andrade, J Ares, R García, J Pazos… - IEEE Transactions …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
To solve any nontrivial problem, it first needs to be conceptualized, taking into account the
individual who has the problem. However, a problem is generally associated with more than …

[КНИГА][B] Freezing language: conceptualisation processes across ICT-supported organisations

SJBA Hoppenbrouwers - 2003 - repository.ubn.ru.nl
The thesis concerns an aspect of the development and design of computerised information
systems: the language aspect. Information systems make intensive use of natural language …

[PDF][PDF] Fundamental challenges in systems modelling.

HA Proper, M Bjekovic - 2019 - dl.gi.de
In the context of information systems, and digital ecosystems at large, many different forms of
systems modelling are used. This includes: enterprise (architecture) modelling, business …

[PDF][PDF] Text analysis for requirements engineering

L Kof - 2005 - mediatum.ub.tum.de
Kurzfassung Requirements Engineering ist die Achillesferse des gesamten Prozesses der
Softwareentwicklung. Es erfordert Interaktion vieler Beteiligten und beinhaltet nicht nur …

Conceptual modeling in software engineering and knowledge engineering: Concepts, Techniques and trends

O Dieste, N Juristo, AM Moreno, J Pazos… - Handbook of Software …, 2001 - World Scientific
Conceptual modeling is a crucial software development activity for both Software
Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. Each discipline, however, has developed its own …

Understanding the requirements on modelling techniques

S Hoppenbrouwers, HA Proper… - … Conference, CAiSE 2005 …, 2005 - Springer
The focus of this paper is not on the requirements of an information system to be developed,
but rather on the requirements that apply to the modelling techniques used during …

Formal conceptualisation as a basis for a more procedural knowledge management

J Andrade, J Ares, R Garcia, J Pazos… - Decision Support …, 2008 - Elsevier
Knowledge management at an organisational level can only be brought into practice if a
corporate memory is defined. Unfortunately, at this moment there is no complete and …

A methodological framework for generic conceptualisation: problem-sensitivity in software engineering

J Andrade, J Ares, R Garcıa, J Pazos… - Information and …, 2004 - Elsevier
The first step towards develo** quality software is to conceptually model the problem
raised in its own context. Software engineering, however, has traditionally focused on …