Towards natural language interfaces for data visualization: A survey
Utilizing Visualization-oriented Natural Language Interfaces (V-NLI) as a complementary
input modality to direct manipulation for visual analytics can provide an engaging user …
input modality to direct manipulation for visual analytics can provide an engaging user …
State of the art of visual analytics for explainable deep learning
The use and creation of machine‐learning‐based solutions to solve problems or reduce
their computational costs are becoming increasingly widespread in many domains. Deep …
their computational costs are becoming increasingly widespread in many domains. Deep …
Personal augmented reality for information visualization on large interactive displays
In this work we propose the combination of large interactive displays with personal head-
mounted Augmented Reality (AR) for information visualization to facilitate data exploration …
mounted Augmented Reality (AR) for information visualization to facilitate data exploration …
Quality metrics for information visualization
The visualization community has developed to date many intuitions and understandings of
how to judge the quality of views in visualizing data. The computation of a visualization's …
how to judge the quality of views in visualizing data. The computation of a visualization's …
A survey of perception-based visualization studies by task
Knowledge of human perception has long been incorporated into visualizations to enhance
their quality and effectiveness. The last decade, in particular, has shown an increase in …
their quality and effectiveness. The last decade, in particular, has shown an increase in …
Assessing effects of task and data distribution on the effectiveness of visual encodings
In addition to the choice of visual encodings, the effectiveness of a data visualization may
vary with the analytical task being performed and the distribution of data values. To better …
vary with the analytical task being performed and the distribution of data values. To better …
Reviving static charts into live charts
Data charts are prevalent across various fields due to their efficacy in conveying complex
data relationships. However, static charts may sometimes struggle to engage readers and …
data relationships. However, static charts may sometimes struggle to engage readers and …
Illusion of causality in visualized data
Students who eat breakfast more frequently tend to have a higher grade point average. From
this data, many people might confidently state that a before-school breakfast program would …
this data, many people might confidently state that a before-school breakfast program would …
Medley: Intent-based recommendations to support dashboard composition
Despite the ever-growing popularity of dashboards across a wide range of domains, their
authoring still remains a tedious and complex process. Current tools offer considerable …
authoring still remains a tedious and complex process. Current tools offer considerable …
Snowy: Recommending utterances for conversational visual analysis
Natural language interfaces (NLIs) have become a prevalent medium for conducting visual
data analysis, enabling people with varying levels of analytic experience to ask questions of …
data analysis, enabling people with varying levels of analytic experience to ask questions of …