Percolation on complex networks: Theory and application
In the last two decades, network science has blossomed and influenced various fields, such
as statistical physics, computer science, biology and sociology, from the perspective of the …
as statistical physics, computer science, biology and sociology, from the perspective of the …
Networks formed from interdependent networks
J Gao, SV Buldyrev, HE Stanley, S Havlin - Nature physics, 2012 - nature.com
Complex networks appear in almost every aspect of science and technology. Although most
results in the field have been obtained by analysing isolated networks, many real-world …
results in the field have been obtained by analysing isolated networks, many real-world …
[ספר][B] Dynamical processes on complex networks
A Barrat, M Barthelemy, A Vespignani - 2008 - books.google.com
The availability of large data sets has allowed researchers to uncover complex properties
such as large-scale fluctuations and heterogeneities in many networks, leading to the …
such as large-scale fluctuations and heterogeneities in many networks, leading to the …
[ספר][B] Complex networks: structure, robustness and function
Examining important results and analytical techniques, this graduate-level textbook is a step-
by-step presentation of the structure and function of complex networks. Using a range of …
by-step presentation of the structure and function of complex networks. Using a range of …
Critical phenomena in complex networks
SN Dorogovtsev, AV Goltsev, JFF Mendes - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2008 - APS
The combination of the compactness of networks, featuring small diameters, and their
complex architectures results in a variety of critical effects dramatically different from those in …
complex architectures results in a variety of critical effects dramatically different from those in …
Structure and tie strengths in mobile communication networks
JP Onnela, J Saramäki, J Hyvönen, G Szabó… - Proceedings of the …, 2007 - pnas.org
Electronic databases, from phone to e-mails logs, currently provide detailed records of
human communication patterns, offering novel avenues to map and explore the structure of …
human communication patterns, offering novel avenues to map and explore the structure of …
Robustness of interdependent networks under targeted attack
When an initial failure of nodes occurs in interdependent networks, a cascade of failure
between the networks occurs. Earlier studies focused on random initial failures. Here we …
between the networks occurs. Earlier studies focused on random initial failures. Here we …
Cascade of failures in coupled network systems with multiple support-dependence relations
J Shao, SV Buldyrev, S Havlin, HE Stanley - Physical Review E—Statistical …, 2011 - APS
We study, both analytically and numerically, the cascade of failures in two coupled network
systems A and B, where multiple support-dependence relations are randomly built between …
systems A and B, where multiple support-dependence relations are randomly built between …
A k-shell decomposition method for weighted networks
A Garas, F Schweitzer, S Havlin - New Journal of Physics, 2012 - iopscience.iop.org
We present a generalized method for calculating the k-shell structure of weighted networks.
The method takes into account both the weight and the degree of a network, in such a way …
The method takes into account both the weight and the degree of a network, in such a way …
Statistical properties of sampled networks
We study the statistical properties of the sampled scale-free networks, deeply related to the
proper identification of various real-world networks. We exploit three methods of sampling …
proper identification of various real-world networks. We exploit three methods of sampling …