Quantum stochastic convolution cocycles II

JM Lindsay, AG Skalski - Communications in mathematical physics, 2008 - Springer
Schürmann's theory of quantum Lévy processes, and more generally the theory of quantum
stochastic convolution cocycles, is extended to the topological context of compact quantum …

Quantum stochastic cocycles and completely bounded semigroups on operator spaces

JM Lindsay, SJ Wills - International Mathematics Research …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
An operator space analysis of quantum stochastic cocycles is undertaken. These are
cocycles with respect to an ampliated CCR flow, adapted to the associated filtration of …

Feynman–Kac perturbation of  quantum stochastic flows

ACR Belton, SJ Wills - Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2024 - Springer
Abstract The method of Feynman–Kac perturbation of quantum stochastic processes has a
long pedigree, with the theory usually developed within the framework of processes on von …

Quantum stochastic convolution cocycles III

JM Lindsay, AG Skalski - Mathematische Annalen, 2012 - Springer
Every Markov-regular quantum Lévy process on a multiplier C*-bialgebra is shown to be
equivalent to one governed by a quantum stochastic differential equation, and the …

An algebraic construction of quantum flows with unbounded generators

ACR Belton, SJ Wills - Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques, 2015 - numdam.org
It is shown how to construct∗-homomorphic quantum stochastic Feller cocycles for certain
unbounded generators, and so obtain dilations of strongly continuous quantum dynamical …

Weak markov flows and extreme points of convex sets

BVR Bhat - Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2024 - Springer
Weak markov flows and extreme points of convex sets | Indian Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics Skip to main content SpringerLink Account Menu Find a journal Publish with …

[HTML][HTML] Quantum random walk approximation in Banach algebra

BK Das, JM Lindsay - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2015 - Elsevier
Belton's discrete approximation scheme is extended to Banach-algebra-valued sesquilinear
quantum stochastic cocycles, through the dyadic discretisation of time. Approximation results …

[PDF][PDF] Robin Hudson's pathless path to quantum stochastic calculus

D Applebaum - Communications on Stochastic Analysis, 2010 - repository.lsu.edu
Robin Hudson's pathless path to quantum stochastic calculus Page 1 Communications on
Stochastic Analysis Volume 4 Number 4 Article 2 12-1-2010 Robin Hudson's pathless path …

[Цитат][C] Quasifree stochastic analysis

JM Lindsay, OT Margetts - Preprint, 2013