[HTML][HTML] Overview of batteries and battery management for electric vehicles
Popularization of electric vehicles (EVs) is an effective solution to promote carbon neutrality,
thus combating the climate crisis. Advances in EV batteries and battery management …
thus combating the climate crisis. Advances in EV batteries and battery management …
A critical review of advanced electric machines and control strategies for electric vehicles
Transportation electrification has attracted much attention in modern society. Among all
electrified transportation tools, electric vehicle (EV) is absolutely the one that has great …
electrified transportation tools, electric vehicle (EV) is absolutely the one that has great …
A critical review of emerging technologies for electric and hybrid vehicles
Emerging topics such asenvironmental protection and energy utilization have pushed
research and development of electric vehicles and hybrid electricvehicles (EVs/HEVs). In the …
research and development of electric vehicles and hybrid electricvehicles (EVs/HEVs). In the …
Simultaneous wireless power and data transfer: A comprehensive review
Simultaneous wireless power and data transfer (SWPDT) is widely investigated because of
the increasing requirement for real-time communication between the primary and secondary …
the increasing requirement for real-time communication between the primary and secondary …
Wireless power and drive transfer for pi** network
This article proposes and implements a brand-new wireless power and drive transfer
(WPDT) system using wireless switches. A wireless pi** network is conceived especially …
(WPDT) system using wireless switches. A wireless pi** network is conceived especially …
Magnetic coupled wireless motor driving systems–An overview
Magnetic coupled wireless motor (MC-WM) drive technology embodies the deep integration
of magnetic coupled wireless power transfer technology and motor drive technology, which …
of magnetic coupled wireless power transfer technology and motor drive technology, which …
Design and control of a decoupled multichannel wireless power transfer system based on multilevel inverters
Traditional multichannel wireless power transfer (WPT) systems suffer from the complex
system structure and cross-interference among receivers. To solve such problems, this …
system structure and cross-interference among receivers. To solve such problems, this …
Design, analysis, and implementation of wireless shaded-pole induction motors
In this article, a wireless shaded-pole induction motor (SPIM) is proposed and implemented,
which artfully integrates wireless power transfer into a single-phase SPIM to achieve the first …
which artfully integrates wireless power transfer into a single-phase SPIM to achieve the first …
Full-range soft-switching pulse frequency modulated wireless power transfer
This article proposes and implements a full-range soft-switching pulse frequency modulated
(PFM) wireless power transfer (WPT) system, which not only offers high efficiency but also …
(PFM) wireless power transfer (WPT) system, which not only offers high efficiency but also …
A strong offset-resistant electric vehicle wireless charging system based on dual decoupled receiving coils
In an electric vehicle wireless charging system, the dramatic variation of the mutual
inductance caused by the coil misalignment is an urgent problem to be solved. An offset …
inductance caused by the coil misalignment is an urgent problem to be solved. An offset …