[HTML][HTML] Interoceptive pathways to understand and treat mental health conditions

CL Nord, SN Garfinkel - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2022‏ - cell.com
An increasing recognition that brain and body are dynamically coupled has enriched our
scientific understanding of mental health conditions. Peripheral signals interact centrally to …

[HTML][HTML] Interoception and mental health: a roadmap

SS Khalsa, R Adolphs, OG Cameron… - Biological psychiatry …, 2018‏ - Elsevier
Interoception refers to the process by which the nervous system senses, interprets, and
integrates signals originating from within the body, providing a moment-by-moment map** …

[HTML][HTML] Atypical interoception as a common risk factor for psychopathology: A review

R Brewer, J Murphy, G Bird - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2021‏ - Elsevier
The inadequacy of a categorial approach to mental health diagnosis is now well-recognised,
with many authors, diagnostic manuals and funding bodies advocating a dimensional, trans …

Mindfulness, interoception, and the body: A contemporary perspective

J Gibson - Frontiers in psychology, 2019‏ - frontiersin.org
Mindfulness is often used as an umbrella term to characterize a large number of practices,
processes, and characteristics. Critics argue that this broad definition has led to …

[HTML][HTML] Visceral signals shape brain dynamics and cognition

D Azzalini, I Rebollo, C Tallon-Baudry - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2019‏ - cell.com
Most research in cognitive neuroscience explores how external stimuli are processed by the
brain. However, the brain also receives input from the internal body. We discuss here how …

The neuroscience of mindfulness meditation

YY Tang, BK Hölzel, MI Posner - Nature reviews neuroscience, 2015‏ - nature.com
Research over the past two decades broadly supports the claim that mindfulness meditation—
practiced widely for the reduction of stress and promotion of health—exerts beneficial effects …

[HTML][HTML] Knowing your own heart: distinguishing interoceptive accuracy from interoceptive awareness

SN Garfinkel, AK Seth, AB Barrett, K Suzuki… - Biological …, 2015‏ - Elsevier
Interoception refers to the sensing of internal bodily changes. Interoception interacts with
cognition and emotion, making measurement of individual differences in interoceptive ability …

Investigating the phenomenological matrix of mindfulness-related practices from a neurocognitive perspective.

A Lutz, AP Jha, JD Dunne, CD Saron - American Psychologist, 2015‏ - psycnet.apa.org
There has been a great increase in literature concerned with the effects of a variety of mental
training regimes that generally fall within what might be called contemplative practices, and …

Allostatic self-efficacy: A metacognitive theory of dyshomeostasis-induced fatigue and depression

KE Stephan, ZM Manjaly, CD Mathys… - Frontiers in human …, 2016‏ - frontiersin.org
This paper outlines a hierarchical Bayesian framework for interoception,
homeostatic/allostatic control, and meta-cognition that connects fatigue and depression to …

Is meditation associated with altered brain structure? A systematic review and meta-analysis of morphometric neuroimaging in meditation practitioners

KCR Fox, S Nijeboer, ML Dixon, JL Floman… - Neuroscience & …, 2014‏ - Elsevier
Numerous studies have begun to address how the brain's gray and white matter may be
shaped by meditation. This research is yet to be integrated, however, and two fundamental …