[HTML][HTML] Conservation of parasites: a primer
Although parasites make up a substantial proportion of the biotic component of ecosystems,
in terms of both biomass and number of species, they are rarely considered in conservation …
in terms of both biomass and number of species, they are rarely considered in conservation …
A global parasite conservation plan
Found throughout the tree of life and in every ecosystem, parasites are some of the most
diverse, ecologically important animals on Earth—but in almost all cases, the least protected …
diverse, ecologically important animals on Earth—but in almost all cases, the least protected …
What determines parasite species richness across host species?
In Focus Dáttilo, W., Barrozo‐Chávez, N., Lira‐Noriega, A., Guevara, R., Villalobos, F.,
Santiago‐Alarcon, D., Neves, FS, Izzo, T., & Ribeiro, SP (2020). Species‐level drivers of …
Santiago‐Alarcon, D., Neves, FS, Izzo, T., & Ribeiro, SP (2020). Species‐level drivers of …
In defence of the world's most reviled invertebrate 'bugs'
E Small - Biodiversity, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Species of invertebrate animals, notably insects, are undergoing an alarmingly high rate of
extinction, coupled with minimal support for their protection, even from the world's leading …
extinction, coupled with minimal support for their protection, even from the world's leading …
[KNJIGA][B] In Defense of the World's Most Despised Species: Why we love some species but hate most, and why it matters
E Small - 2023 - books.google.com
Some animals and plants injure or kill millions of people annually, others cause trillions of
dollars in property damage and loss. Such harmful species are understandably hated …
dollars in property damage and loss. Such harmful species are understandably hated …
[HTML][HTML] Conservation in the 21st century: why parasites matter
R Koch - integrativeandcomparativebiology …
In a growing world, the conservation of species remains an increasingly challenging issue
for scientists. A quick glance at the IUCN Red List helps put things in perspective, with 28 …
for scientists. A quick glance at the IUCN Red List helps put things in perspective, with 28 …