Factors Affecting the Accessibility of IT Artifacts: a systematic review

JP Mäkipää, J Norrgård, T Vartiainen - 2022 - osuva.uwasa.fi
Accessibility awareness and development have improved in the past two decades, but many
users still encounter accessibility barriers when using information technology (IT) artifacts …

RALF: an adaptive reinforcement learning framework for teaching dyslexic students

SAH Minoofam, A Bastanfard… - Multimedia Tools and …, 2022 - Springer
Dyslexia is a learning disorder in which individuals have significant reading difficulties.
Previous studies found that using machine learning techniques in content supplements is …

Search interface design and evaluation

C Liu, YH Liu, J Liu, R Bierig - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2021 - nowpublishers.com
This monograph reviews research on the design and evaluation of search user interfaces
that has been published within the past 10 years. Our primary goal is to integrate state-of-the …

Perspectives of neurodiverse participants in interactive information retrieval

L Sitbon, G Berget, M Brereton - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2023 - nowpublishers.com
This monograph offers a survey of work to date to inform how interactions in information
retrieval systems could afford inclusion of users who are neurodiverse. This existing work is …

Influence mechanism of icon semantics on visual search performance: Evidence from an eye-tracking study

T **, W Wang, J He, Z Wu, H Gu - International Journal of Industrial …, 2023 - Elsevier
Explicit icon semantics can reduce the difficulty of understanding complex visual information.
Optimizing the icon semantics and text semantics of icons can effectively improve the …

Understanding the needs of searchers with dyslexia

MR Morris, A Fourney, A Ali, L Vonessen - Proceedings of the 2018 CHI …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
As many as 20% of English speakers have dyslexia, a language disability that impacts
reading and spelling. Web search is an important modern literacy skill, yet the accessibility …

Icon format on the in-vehicle HMI affects drivers' cognitive performance

Z Shen, Q Ge, H Len, T Chen, C Wang… - Behaviour & …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Although there have been many studies on icon preferences and search performances in
the past, only a few principles, criteria, and guidelines may be applicable to the design of …

HIDE: short IDs for robust and anonymous linking of users across multiple sessions in small HCI experiments

FE Sandnes - Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Record linking is needed to analyze observations across multiple sessions. However, recent
privacy legislature such as the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) restricts the …

The effect of icon patterns on user attention and memory

Y Huang, C Zheng, J Li - Displays, 2023 - Elsevier
This study explored the impact of icon patterns, position, composition, and congruence on
user attention and recognition memory for single-row icon sets. Four patterns of an icon set …

Towards universal accessibility on the web: do grammar checking tools improve text readability?

HM Kaushik, E Eika, FE Sandnes - International Conference on Human …, 2020 - Springer
Readable text is a key ingredient in a universally accessible web. WCAG2. 1 recommends
that text should be readable by someone with basic schooling, a criterion that is hard to …