Cyberbullying in elementary and middle school students: A systematic review

C Evangelio, P Rodríguez-González… - Computers & …, 2022 - Elsevier
The goal of the present study was to extend the scope of previous reviews on cyberbullying
to focus on elementary and middle school students, ages when research indicates that …

Social media use and self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: A systematic review and meta-analysis

J Nesi, TA Burke, AH Bettis, AY Kudinova… - Clinical psychology …, 2021 - Elsevier
Despite considerable public and scholarly debate about the role of social media in self-
injurious thoughts and behaviors (SITBs), no comprehensive, quantitative synthesis of this …

Online hate speech victimization and depressive symptoms among adolescents: The protective role of resilience

S Wachs, M Gámez-Guadix… - … , Behavior, and Social …, 2022 -
Online hate speech has become a widespread problem in the daily life of adolescents.
Despite growing societal and academic interest in this online risk, not much is known about …

Has the COVID-19 pandemic affected cyberbullying and cybervictimization prevalence among children and adolescents? A systematic review

A Sorrentino, F Sulla, M Santamato, M di Furia… - International journal of …, 2023 -
In light of the alarming results emerging from some studies and reports on the significant
increase in aggressive online behaviors among children and adolescents during the COVID …

The develo** brain in the digital era: A sco** review of structural and functional correlates of screen time in adolescence

L Marciano, AL Camerini, R Morese - Frontiers in psychology, 2021 -
The widespread diffusion of screen-based devices in adolescence has fueled a debate
about the beneficial and detrimental effects on adolescents' well-being and development …

Heavy social media use and psychological distress among adolescents: the moderating role of sex, age, and parental support

F Mougharbel, JP Chaput… - Frontiers in public …, 2023 -
Background Despite increasing evidence that social media use is associated with
adolescents' mental well-being, little is known about the role of various factors in modifying …

Longitudinal associations among neuroticism, depression, and cyberbullying in early adolescents

D Zhang, ES Huebner, L Tian - Computers in human behavior, 2020 - Elsevier
The role of personality characteristics in cyberbullying has attracted increasing attention in
the research literature, but the temporal sequences and possible psychological mechanisms …

Systematic literature reviews in cyberbullying/cyber harassment: A tertiary study

S Saleem, NF Khan, S Zafar, N Raza - Technology in Society, 2022 - Elsevier
A number of systematic literature reviews have been conducted in order to understand
cyberbullying phenomenon. Tertiary studies are carried out to provide a holistic view of an …

Linking childhood maltreatment to cyberbullying perpetration and victimization: a systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis

J Li, ES Huebner, L Tian - Computers in Human Behavior, 2024 - Elsevier
Both theoretical and empirical evidence has suggested that childhood maltreatment is
positively associated with cyberbullying involvement (perpetration and victimization) …

[HTML][HTML] School bullying: Prevalence and variation in and between school systems in TIMSS 2015

S Johansson, E Myrberg, A Toropova - Studies in Educational Evaluation, 2022 - Elsevier
Bullying is a substantial problem in schools worldwide and it can have severe
consequences for individuals in both short and long-term. One aim of this study was to …