Sources, distribution, associated health risks and remedial technologies for inorganic contamination in groundwater: A review in specific context of the state of …
Haryana is one of the leading states in India in the agricultural and industrial production.
With the expansion of these sectors, a continuous increase in water demand is leading to …
With the expansion of these sectors, a continuous increase in water demand is leading to …
Occurrences, sources and health hazard estimation of potentially toxic elements in the groundwater of Garhwal Himalaya, India
High concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in potable water can cause severe
human health disorders. Present study examined the fitness of groundwater for drinking …
human health disorders. Present study examined the fitness of groundwater for drinking …
Characterization of groundwater quality and human health risk assessment
TG Nguyen, NTH Huynh - Civil Engineering Journal, 2023 - civilejournal.org
The study aimed to appraise groundwater quality in the Mekong Delta using a groundwater
quality index (GWQI) and estimate human health risks associated with groundwater …
quality index (GWQI) and estimate human health risks associated with groundwater …
Hydrogeochemical and sediment parameters improve predication accuracy of arsenic-prone groundwater in random forest machine-learning models
The relative importance of groundwater geochemicals and sediment characteristics in
predicting groundwater arsenic distributions was rarely documented. To figure this out, we …
predicting groundwater arsenic distributions was rarely documented. To figure this out, we …
A comprehensive review of human health risks of arsenic and fluoride contamination of groundwater in the South Asia region
The present study found that∼ 80 million people in India,∼ 60 million people in Pakistan,∼
70 million people in Bangladesh, and∼ 3 million people in Nepal are exposed to arsenic …
70 million people in Bangladesh, and∼ 3 million people in Nepal are exposed to arsenic …
Impacts of climate change and coastal salinization on the environmental risk of heavy metal contamination along the odisha coast, India.
SK Nayak, JR Nandimandalam - Environmental Research, 2023 - Elsevier
Climate change-mediated rise in sea level and storm surges, along with indiscriminate
exploitation of groundwater along populous coastal regions have led to seawater intrusion …
exploitation of groundwater along populous coastal regions have led to seawater intrusion …
A systematic study on occurrence, risk estimation and health implications of heavy metals in potable water from different sources of Garhwal Himalaya, India
The occurrence of heavy metals (HMs) in drinking water has been a critical water quality
concern for a long time and can compromise its aesthetic value to the larger extent. Chronic …
concern for a long time and can compromise its aesthetic value to the larger extent. Chronic …
Geogenic controls on the high levels of uranium in alluvial aquifers of the Ganga Basin
Abstract The Indo-Gangetic Basin (IGB) alluvial aquifer system provides a reliable drinking
water supply to over half a billion people. Understanding the groundwater quality, aquifer …
water supply to over half a billion people. Understanding the groundwater quality, aquifer …
Occurrence, speciation, and controls on arsenic mobilization in the alluvial aquifer system of the Ghaghara basin, India
High concentrations of arsenic (As) in groundwater are among the long-standing
environmental problems on the planet. Due to adverse impacts on the human and aquatic …
environmental problems on the planet. Due to adverse impacts on the human and aquatic …
Trace elements in the Upper Indus River Basin (UIRB) of Western Himalayas: Quantification, sources modeling, and impacts
This study conducted a comprehensive analysis of trace element concentrations in the
Upper Indus River Basin (UIRB), a glacier-fed region in the Western Himalayas (WH) …
Upper Indus River Basin (UIRB), a glacier-fed region in the Western Himalayas (WH) …