OrchestRAN: Network automation through orchestrated intelligence in the open RAN
The next generation of cellular networks will be characterized by softwarized, open, and
disaggregated architectures exposing analytics and control knobs to enable network …
disaggregated architectures exposing analytics and control knobs to enable network …
dApps: Distributed applications for real-time inference and control in O-RAN
The Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN)-being standardized, among others, by the O-
RAN Alliance-brings a radical transformation to the cellular ecosystem through …
RAN Alliance-brings a radical transformation to the cellular ecosystem through …
Machine learning in network slicing—a survey
5G and beyond networks are expected to support a wide range of services, with highly
diverse requirements. Yet, the traditional “one-size-fits-all” network architecture lacks the …
diverse requirements. Yet, the traditional “one-size-fits-all” network architecture lacks the …
Open radio access networks (O-RAN) experimentation platform: Design and datasets
The Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) Alliance is driving the latest evolution of RAN
deployments, moving from traditionally closed and dedicated hardware implementations …
deployments, moving from traditionally closed and dedicated hardware implementations …
Nuberu: Reliable RAN virtualization in shared platforms
RAN virtualization will become a key technology for the last mile of next-generation mobile
networks driven by initiatives such as the O-RAN alliance. However, due to the computing …
networks driven by initiatives such as the O-RAN alliance. However, due to the computing …
OrchestRAN: Orchestrating network intelligence in the open RAN
The next generation of cellular networks will be characterized by softwarized, open, and
disaggregated architectures exposing analytics and control knobs to enable network …
disaggregated architectures exposing analytics and control knobs to enable network …
Model-based reinforcement learning with kernels for resource allocation in RAN slices
Network slicing is a key feature of 5G and beyond networks, allowing the deployment of
separate logical networks (network slices), sharing a common underlying physical …
separate logical networks (network slices), sharing a common underlying physical …
Cloudric: Open radio access network (o-ran) virtualization with shared heterogeneous computing
Open and virtualized Radio Access Networks (vRANs) are breeding a new market with
unprecedented opportunities. However, carrier-grade vRANs today are expensive and …
unprecedented opportunities. However, carrier-grade vRANs today are expensive and …
AI/ML enabled automation system for software defined disaggregated open radio access networks: Transforming telecommunication business
S Kumar - Big Data Mining and Analytics, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Open Air Interface (OAI) alliance recently introduced a new disaggregated Open Radio
Access Networks (O-RAN) framework for next generation telecommunications and networks …
Access Networks (O-RAN) framework for next generation telecommunications and networks …
EdgeBOL: a bayesian learning approach for the joint orchestration of vRANs and mobile edge AI
Future mobile networks need to support intelligent services which collect and process data
streams at the network edge, so as to offer real-time and accurate inferences to users …
streams at the network edge, so as to offer real-time and accurate inferences to users …