Racial and ethnic stratification in educational achievement and attainment
G Kao, JS Thompson - Annual review of sociology, 2003 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract Understanding racial, ethnic, and immigrant variation in educational achievement
and attainment is more important than ever as the US population becomes increasingly …
and attainment is more important than ever as the US population becomes increasingly …
Access to and opportunity in postsecondary education in the United States: A review
TL Baker, W Velez - Sociology of Education, 1996 - JSTOR
This review of the research on access to and persistence in higher education found that the
proportions of women, older, and part-time college students have increased dramatically …
proportions of women, older, and part-time college students have increased dramatically …
[CARTE][B] Answers in the tool box: Academic intensity, attendance patterns, and bachelor's degree attainment
C Adelman - 1999 - books.google.com
Page 1 Answers in the Tool Box Academic Intensity, Attendance Patterns, and Bachelor's
Degree Attainment DOC ED 1.302: D 36/3 US Department of Education Office of …
Degree Attainment DOC ED 1.302: D 36/3 US Department of Education Office of …
The impact of developmental education on community college persistence and vertical transfer
G Crisp, C Delgado - Community College Review, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
Developmental education has been cited as one of the most difficult issues facing
community colleges. Despite the controversy and changes to educational policy regarding …
community colleges. Despite the controversy and changes to educational policy regarding …
Understanding the racial transfer gap: Modeling underrepresented minority and nonminority students' pathways from two-to four-year institutions
This study models student-and institutional-level factors that influence vertical transfer
among a national sample of White and underrepresented minority (URM) community college …
among a national sample of White and underrepresented minority (URM) community college …
Linking the timing of career and technical education coursetaking with high school dropout and college-going behavior
While prior studies have examined the efficacy of career and technical education (CTE)
courses on high school students' outcomes, there is little knowledge on timing of these …
courses on high school students' outcomes, there is little knowledge on timing of these …
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) pathways: High school science and math coursework and postsecondary degree attainment
This article examines how high school science and mathematics course-taking creates
pathways toward future baccalaureate degree attainment in science, technology …
pathways toward future baccalaureate degree attainment in science, technology …
Do community colleges provide a viable pathway to a baccalaureate degree?
Community colleges have become an important entryway for students intending to complete
baccalaureate degrees. However, many question the viability of the transfer function and …
baccalaureate degrees. However, many question the viability of the transfer function and …
The influence of academic and environmental factors on Hispanic college degree attainment
This study used the NELS 88‑2000 data base to examine among Hispanic students
precollege, college, and environmental predictors of (a) college first enrolled in (two‑year …
precollege, college, and environmental predictors of (a) college first enrolled in (two‑year …
Pathways to a four-year degree
A bachelor's degree is no longer considered a potential step**-stone to a better life.
Rather, it is now fully acknowledged as the gatekeeper to myriad social and individual …
Rather, it is now fully acknowledged as the gatekeeper to myriad social and individual …