The impact of diagenesis on the heterogeneity of sandstone reservoirs: A review of the role of depositional facies and sequence stratigraphy
Diagenesis exerts a strong control on the quality and heterogeneity of most clastic
reservoirs. Variations in the distribution of diagenetic alterations usually accentuate the …
reservoirs. Variations in the distribution of diagenetic alterations usually accentuate the …
Spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations in siliciclastic rocks: implications for mass transfer in sedimentary basins
The spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations in siliciclastic sequences is
controlled by a complex array of interrelated parameters that prevail during eodiagenesis …
controlled by a complex array of interrelated parameters that prevail during eodiagenesis …
Carbonate cementation in a sequence-stratigraphic framework: Upper Cretaceous sandstones, Book Cliffs, Utah-Colorado
Three macroscopic diagenetic features can be recognized in the sandstones of the Upper
Cretaceous Desert Member of the Blackhawk Formation and Castlegate Sandstone of the …
Cretaceous Desert Member of the Blackhawk Formation and Castlegate Sandstone of the …
Depositional controls on sediment properties in dryland rivers: Influence on near-surface diagenesis
Sandy braided dryland rivers, deposited under arid to semi-arid conditions, constitute
important clastic reservoirs worldwide whose reservoir quality reflects the effect of primary …
important clastic reservoirs worldwide whose reservoir quality reflects the effect of primary …
Controls on fault-zone architecture in poorly lithified sediments, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: Implications for fault-zone permeability and fluid flow
We have studied the geometry and continuity of structures and diagenetic features of a
normal growth fault in poorly lithified sediments. Fault-zone width and complexity vary …
normal growth fault in poorly lithified sediments. Fault-zone width and complexity vary …
Calcite cement distribution and its effect on fluid flow in a deltaic sandstone, Frontier Formation, Wyoming
Precipitation of extensive calcite cement during burial diagenesis can strongly modify the
depositional permeability of a sandstone reservoir and affect fluid flow during production. To …
depositional permeability of a sandstone reservoir and affect fluid flow during production. To …
[PDF][PDF] Red rock and red planet diagenesis
Compelling similarities between concretions on Earth and “blueberries” on Mars are used to
suggest the blueberries are concretions that formed from a history of watery diagenesis. In …
suggest the blueberries are concretions that formed from a history of watery diagenesis. In …
Calcretes in semi-arid alluvial systems: formative pathways and sinks
Late Quaternary deposits in Gujarat, western India show an abundant development of
calcretes. Three major sinks of carbonate in the alluvial deposits are recognized:(1) …
calcretes. Three major sinks of carbonate in the alluvial deposits are recognized:(1) …
The distribution and discrimination of shallow, authigenic carbonate in the Pliocene–Pleistocene Palomas Basin, southern Rio Grande rift
Nine types of authigenic carbonate are present in the Pliocene–Pleistocene alluvial-fan and
axial-fluvial sediment of the Palomas half graben in the southern Rio Grande rift. Pedogenic …
axial-fluvial sediment of the Palomas half graben in the southern Rio Grande rift. Pedogenic …
Internal structure and mode of growth of elongate calcite concretions: Evidence for small-scale, microbially induced, chemical heterogeneity in groundwater
Elongate calcite concretions are thought to form parallel to the direction of groundwater flow
at the time of their precipitation, and are potentially very useful in determining the nature of …
at the time of their precipitation, and are potentially very useful in determining the nature of …