[HTML][HTML] Current Implementation of Digital Health in Chronic Disease Management: Sco** Review
Background Approximately 1 in 3 adults live with multiple chronic diseases. Digital health is
being harnessed to improve continuity of care and management of chronic diseases …
being harnessed to improve continuity of care and management of chronic diseases …
Patients' and healthcare providers' perceptions and experiences of telehealth use and online health information use in chronic disease management for older patients …
Y Jiang, P Sun, Z Chen, J Guo, S Wang, F Liu, J Li - BMC geriatrics, 2022 - Springer
Background Telehealth and online health information provide patients with increased
access to healthcare services and health information in chronic disease management of …
access to healthcare services and health information in chronic disease management of …
[HTML][HTML] Barriers and facilitators to the adoption of mobile health among health care professionals from the United Kingdom: discrete choice experiment
S Leigh, L Ashall-Payne, T Andrews - JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2020 - mhealth.jmir.org
Objective: This study aims to identify and weight barriers to and drivers of health app use
among health care professionals (HCPs) from the United Kingdom. Methods: A discrete …
among health care professionals (HCPs) from the United Kingdom. Methods: A discrete …
[HTML][HTML] eHealth and mHealth in chronic diseases—identification of barriers, existing solutions, and promoters based on a survey of EU stakeholders involved in …
Background: In recent years, rapid population ageing has become a worldwide
phenomenon. Both electronic health services (eHealth) and mobile health services …
phenomenon. Both electronic health services (eHealth) and mobile health services …
[HTML][HTML] Health providers' perceptions and experiences of using mHealth for chronic noncommunicable diseases: qualitative systematic review and Meta-synthesis
Y Gu, Y Guan, Z Meng - Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023 - jmir.org
Background Mobile health (mHealth) technology has great potential for addressing the
epidemic of chronic noncommunicable diseases (CNCDs) by assisting health providers …
epidemic of chronic noncommunicable diseases (CNCDs) by assisting health providers …
[HTML][HTML] Online health information–seeking among older women with chronic illness: analysis of the women's health initiative
Background Understanding how older patients with chronic illnesses use the internet to
obtain health information is relevant for the design of digital interventions aimed at improving …
obtain health information is relevant for the design of digital interventions aimed at improving …
[HTML][HTML] Perceptions of patients regarding mobile health interventions for the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: mixed methods study
Background: Using a mobile health (mHealth) intervention consisting of a smartphone and
compatible medical device has the potential to enhance chronic obstructive pulmonary …
compatible medical device has the potential to enhance chronic obstructive pulmonary …
An age-old problem or an old-age problem? A UK survey of attitudes, historical use and recommendations by healthcare professionals to use healthcare apps
Background The coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated barriers to accessing face-to-face
care. Consequently, the potential for digital health technologies (DHTs) to address unmet …
care. Consequently, the potential for digital health technologies (DHTs) to address unmet …
From illness management to quality of life: rethinking consumer health informatics opportunities for progressive, potentially fatal illnesses
Objectives Investigate how people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)—an
example of a progressive, potentially fatal illness—are using digital technologies (DTs) to …
example of a progressive, potentially fatal illness—are using digital technologies (DTs) to …
Nurse-led consultations reinforced with eHealth technology: a qualitative study of the experiences of patients with gynecological cancer
Background During the last decade, the health care profession has moved toward
personalized care and has focused on the diversity of survivorship needs after initial cancer …
personalized care and has focused on the diversity of survivorship needs after initial cancer …