Toward the development of key competencies: a conceptual framework for the STEM curriculum design and a case study
W Hu, X Guo - Frontiers in Education, 2021 - frontiersin.org
National attention has been given to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) education, which is well recognized as an effective way to cultivate the key …
(STEM) education, which is well recognized as an effective way to cultivate the key …
Understanding the educators' practices in makerspaces for the design of education tools
Makerspaces persist as formal and informal spaces of learning for youth, promoting
continued interest in studying how design can support the variety of learning opportunities …
continued interest in studying how design can support the variety of learning opportunities …
Is my game OK Dr. Scratch? Exploring programming and computational thinking development via metrics in student-designed serious games for STEM
Computational thinking (CT) is key to digital literacy and helps develop problem-solving
skills, which are fundamental in modern school. As game design shows potential for …
skills, which are fundamental in modern school. As game design shows potential for …
People, means, and activities: A conceptual framework for realizing the educational potential of makerspaces
Makerspaces are environments where individuals use technologies to make physical
artifacts within a community of fellow Makers. There has been growing interest in the …
artifacts within a community of fellow Makers. There has been growing interest in the …
Exploring potentials and challenges to develop twenty-first century skills and computational thinking in K-12 maker education
Interests in Maker Education have been increasing among K-12 educators. In this study, we
focused on one of the contexts of Maker Education, digital fabrication activities, at a …
focused on one of the contexts of Maker Education, digital fabrication activities, at a …
Key competencies acquired from STEM education: gender-differentiated parental expectations
Z Zhan, Y Li, H Mei, S Lyu - Humanities and Social Sciences …, 2023 - nature.com
Parents' expectations affect children's key competencies acquired from STEM education,
and influence their future career development. This study aimed to determine the influence …
and influence their future career development. This study aimed to determine the influence …
[HTML][HTML] What makes a maker teacher? Examining key characteristics of two maker educators
Maker pedagogies offer numerous potential benefits for student learning; however, we
currently lack an understanding of the ways in which educators integrate these pedagogies …
currently lack an understanding of the ways in which educators integrate these pedagogies …
[หนังสือ][B] STEM literacies in makerspaces: Implications for learning, teaching, and research
E Tucker-Raymond, BE Gravel - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Providing an original framework for the study of makerspaces in a literacy context, this book
bridges the scholarship of literacy studies and STEM and offers a window into the practices …
bridges the scholarship of literacy studies and STEM and offers a window into the practices …
Learning through making: The development of engineering discourse in an out‐of‐school maker club
L Martin, S Betser - Journal of Engineering Education, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Background Learning to be an engineer means learning to participate in engineering
discourse: the words, visuals, routines, and narratives through which engineers think and …
discourse: the words, visuals, routines, and narratives through which engineers think and …
(design) thinking out loud: adolescents' design talk in a library makerspace tabletop game design camp
Purpose This paper aims to explore how making tabletop board games elicited adolescents'
design thinking during their participation in a summer game design camp at their local …
design thinking during their participation in a summer game design camp at their local …