Introduce dimethyl ether (DME) as a solvent for steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) co-injection: An effective and environmental application
Conventional heavy oil and bitumen thermal recovery is currently facing increasing energy
demands and climate-related challenges. Dimethyl ether (DME) as a renewable and …
demands and climate-related challenges. Dimethyl ether (DME) as a renewable and …
A technical, economic, and environmental assessment on dimethyl ether (DME) as a renewable solvent from carbon dioxide utilization (CCU) for heavy oil recovery: A …
Abstract The Paris Agreement represents a shared global goal to combat climate change;
however, national carbon emissions vary significantly, mainly due to heavy oil production …
however, national carbon emissions vary significantly, mainly due to heavy oil production …
A new and fast waterflooding optimization workflow based on INSIM-derived injection efficiency with a field application
Traditionally, production optimization is performed based on repeatedly running a full-scale
reservoir simulation model, which is quite time-consuming. Recently, we developed a …
reservoir simulation model, which is quite time-consuming. Recently, we developed a …
Dimethyl ether as an additive to steam for improved steam-assisted gravity drainage
Coinjection of solvent with steam results in lower chamber-edge temperatures than those in
steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD), which enables the decrease of heat losses to the …
steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD), which enables the decrease of heat losses to the …
Comparative study of oil-dilution capability of dimethyl ether and hexane as steam additives for steam-assisted gravity drainage
Dimethyl ether (DME) was investigated as a potential additive to steam to improve steam‐
assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) in a previous simulation study. The main objective of this …
assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) in a previous simulation study. The main objective of this …
[ספר][B] Multiphase equilibria of complex reservoir fluids
H Li - 2022 - Springer
Our earth is composed of matters that appear as distinct phase states. The apparent ones
include vapor phase, liquid phase, and solid phase. In a typical summer walk in a southwest …
include vapor phase, liquid phase, and solid phase. In a typical summer walk in a southwest …
A rapid waterflooding optimization method based on INSIM-FPT data-driven model and its application to three-dimensional reservoirs
Conventional production optimization for waterflooding reservoirs relies on full-scale
reservoir simulators and repeated simulation runs to calulate gradient information. These …
reservoir simulators and repeated simulation runs to calulate gradient information. These …
Artificial neural network models for phase equilibrium predictions under engine trans/supercritical spray conditions
Engine spray models based on phase equilibrium have made great progress in simulating
trans/supercritical engine spray processes, but there are inherent weaknesses in terms of …
trans/supercritical engine spray processes, but there are inherent weaknesses in terms of …
Multiphase boundaries and physical properties of solvents/heavy oil systems under reservoir conditions by use of isenthalpic flash algorithms
In this paper, the newly developed techniques have been applied to determine multiphase
boundaries and physical properties of solvent (s)/heavy oil mixtures at various pressures …
boundaries and physical properties of solvent (s)/heavy oil mixtures at various pressures …
Water-soluble solvent as an additive to steam for improved SAGD
Coinjection of solvent with steam results in lower chamber-edge temperatures than those in
steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD), which enable to decrease heat losses to the …
steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD), which enable to decrease heat losses to the …