The Football Players on Plyometric Exercise: A Systematic Review
Para alcanzar el máximo rendimiento en el ámbito deportivo es necesario que los
participantes desarrollen un alto nivel de condición física. Entre los aspectos claves de la …
participantes desarrollen un alto nivel de condición física. Entre los aspectos claves de la …
Qatar 2022 World Cup Scorer Analysis
El fútbol es el lugar más famoso del mundo; Millones de personas quieren ver el gran
partido del fútbol mundial, la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2022, especialmente después de dos …
partido del fútbol mundial, la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2022, especialmente después de dos …
[PDF][PDF] Football as the Formation of Adolescent Character and Preventive Program to Overcome Juvenile Delinquency: A Perspective from Sport Psychology
Adolescence is a crucial age at which juvenile delinquents commonly appear. Therefore,
analyzing the juvenile delinquency prevention strategy at this age is crucial. One known …
analyzing the juvenile delinquency prevention strategy at this age is crucial. One known …
The Current Practise and Challenges of the Grassroot Football Academy in Indonesia
The purpose of the current research was to explore the key factors in the development of
grass-roots football in Indonesia, including the current development process and …
grass-roots football in Indonesia, including the current development process and …
The effectiveness of codman pendulum exercise and scapular mobilization to reduce pain in frozen shoulder conditions
Frozen shoulder is an idiopathic condition of the shoulder characterized by the onset of pain
and limitation in the shoulder joint. Frozen shoullder is more common in women than men …
and limitation in the shoulder joint. Frozen shoullder is more common in women than men …
The effects of an 8-week ball game intervention on the motor abilities of 6-7-year-olds
T Petrušič - Kinesiologia Slovenica: scientific journal on sport, 2023 -
In the early childhood stages of development, ball games prove to be a crucial catalyst for
improving motor abilities by actively engaging children in various physical movements that …
improving motor abilities by actively engaging children in various physical movements that …
The effect of aerobic general and sex on physical fitness
Gymnastics is a very good sport for the body and physical fitness if we do the exercise
correctly. This study aims to 1) Improve physical fitness using aerobic exercise, 2) Give effect …
correctly. This study aims to 1) Improve physical fitness using aerobic exercise, 2) Give effect …
Evaluation of The Training Team Development Program DKI Jakarta Men's Rugby at Pon XX Papua 2021
AF Gumilang, T Aprianto… - Halaman …, 2023 -
This study aims to evaluate the context, input, process and product components in the DKI
Jakarta men's Rugby Training Team coaching program in 2021. Evaluation research with …
Jakarta men's Rugby Training Team coaching program in 2021. Evaluation research with …
Psychological Characteristics for Indonesian Grassroots Football Players
Grassroots football is an essential issue in various countries for football development.
However, research on the development and significance of football at the grassroots level …
However, research on the development and significance of football at the grassroots level …
Effect of Explosive Leg Power, Balance and Flexibility of The Wrist on Lay Up Shoot Ability in Basketball Athletes
AM Jaya, AF Irawati… - Halaman …, 2023 -
This research is a type of Ex Post Facto research that uses a path analysis research design.
The population is all basketball athletes PERBASI Kab. Sinjai with a total sample of 30 …
The population is all basketball athletes PERBASI Kab. Sinjai with a total sample of 30 …