Efficient algorithm for Region-Disjoint survivable routing in backbone networks
Survivable routing is crucial in backbone networks to ensure connectivity, even during
failures. At network design, groups of network elements prone to potential failure events are …
failures. At network design, groups of network elements prone to potential failure events are …
DateLine: Efficient Algorithm for Computing Region Disjoint Paths in Backbone Networks
Survivable routing is crucial in backbone networks to ensure connectivity, even during
failures. During network design, groups of network elements prone to potential failure events …
failures. During network design, groups of network elements prone to potential failure events …
[PDF][PDF] Combinatorial optimization in networks with shared risk link groups
The notion of Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLG) captures survivability issues when a set of
links of a network may fail simultaneously. The theory of survivable network design relies on …
links of a network may fail simultaneously. The theory of survivable network design relies on …
Detection of spatially-close fiber segments in optical networks
Spatially-close network fibers have a significant chance of failing simultaneously in the event
of man-made or natural disasters within their geographic area. Network operators are …
of man-made or natural disasters within their geographic area. Network operators are …
Efficient routing algorithm design for large detnet
S Zhao, T Zhu, X Liu - ar** users of IP protocol. Robust and …
Finding Two Disjoint Simple Paths on Two Sets of Points is NP-Complete
M Razzazi, A Sepahvand - arxiv preprint arxiv:1712.09619, 2017 - arxiv.org
Finding two disjoint simple paths on two given sets of points is a geometric problem
introduced by Jeff Erickson. This problem has various applications in computational …
introduced by Jeff Erickson. This problem has various applications in computational …
[PDF][PDF] Pulse+: DetNet Routing Under Delay-diff Constraint
S Zhao, X Liu, T Zhu, X Wang - jhc.sjtu.edu.cn
Deterministic Networking (DetNet) is a rising technology that offers deterministic delay &
jitter and extremely low packet loss in large IP networks. To achieve determinism under …
jitter and extremely low packet loss in large IP networks. To achieve determinism under …
[PDF][PDF] Efficient Algorithm for Region-Disjoint Survivable Routing in Backbone Networks
P Gyimesi - math.elte.hu
In my thesis, I examine a special case of the" disjoint path problem". For a better
understanding, let us look at two examples of what this means. Assume that we need to …
understanding, let us look at two examples of what this means. Assume that we need to …