A review of treatment technologies for the mitigation of the toxic environmental effects of acid mine drainage (AMD)
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a multi-factor pollution formed from complex chemical,
physical, and biological interactions that takes place under ambient conditions in …
physical, and biological interactions that takes place under ambient conditions in …
Review on metal extraction technologies suitable for critical metal recovery from mining and processing wastes
The transition to low-carbon economies, advancements in high-tech and rapid uptake of
electronic equipment will see increased demand over the coming decades for so-called …
electronic equipment will see increased demand over the coming decades for so-called …
Prediction of acid mine drainage: Where we are
The mining and ore processing of sulfide-bearing deposits generates large volumes of
waste rock (WR) and tailings, which often contain barren and residual iron sulfides (eg …
waste rock (WR) and tailings, which often contain barren and residual iron sulfides (eg …
Schwertmannite: A review of its occurrence, formation, structure, stability and interactions with oxyanions
In this article, we provide a critical review on the occurrence, formation, structure and stability
of schwertmannite–an enigmatic Fe (III) oxyhydroxy-sulfate mineral that is of widespread …
of schwertmannite–an enigmatic Fe (III) oxyhydroxy-sulfate mineral that is of widespread …
Exploration implications of multiple formation environments of advanced argillic minerals
Advanced argillic minerals, as defined, include alunite and anhydrite, aluminosilicates
(kaolinite, halloysite, dickite, pyrophyllite, andalusite, zunyite, and topaz), and diaspore. One …
(kaolinite, halloysite, dickite, pyrophyllite, andalusite, zunyite, and topaz), and diaspore. One …
Geochemical and mineralogical aspects of sulfide mine tailings
Tailings generated during processing of sulfide ores represent a substantial risk to water
resources. The oxidation of sulfide minerals within tailings deposits can generate low-quality …
resources. The oxidation of sulfide minerals within tailings deposits can generate low-quality …
One century of arsenic exposure in Latin America: A review of history and occurrence from 14 countries
The global impact on public health of elevated arsenic (As) in water supplies is highlighted
by an increasing number of countries worldwide reporting high As concentrations in drinking …
by an increasing number of countries worldwide reporting high As concentrations in drinking …
Porphyry deposits: Characteristics and origin of hypogene features
E Seedorff, JH Dilles, JM Proffett, MT Einaudi… - 2005 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Porphyry deposits arguably represent the most economically important class of nonferrous
metallic mineral resources. These magmatic-hydrothermal deposits are characterized by …
metallic mineral resources. These magmatic-hydrothermal deposits are characterized by …
Microbial communities in acid mine drainage
The dissolution of sulfide minerals such as pyrite (FeS2), arsenopyrite (FeAsS), chalcopyrite
(CuFeS2), sphalerite (ZnS), and marcasite (FeS2) yields hot, sulfuric acid-rich solutions that …
(CuFeS2), sphalerite (ZnS), and marcasite (FeS2) yields hot, sulfuric acid-rich solutions that …
Evolution of acid mine drainage formation in sulphidic mine tailings
B Dold - Minerals, 2014 - mdpi.com
Sulphidic mine tailings are among the largest mining wastes on Earth and are prone to
produce acid mine drainage (AMD). The formation of AMD is a sequence of complex …
produce acid mine drainage (AMD). The formation of AMD is a sequence of complex …