Rectifier circuits for RF energy harvesting and wireless power transfer applications: A comprehensive review based on operating conditions
Low-power wireless sensors will play a big role in smart city applications. These sensors
require a power supply to function. Batteries are not optimal for such numerous sensor …
require a power supply to function. Batteries are not optimal for such numerous sensor …
A survey on RF energy harvesting techniques for lifetime enhancement of wireless sensor networks
P Sharma, AK Singh - Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 2023 - Elsevier
Lifetime enhancement of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been a significant challenge
for the researchers for the last two decades. In WSNs, sensor nodes operate in an …
for the researchers for the last two decades. In WSNs, sensor nodes operate in an …
Dielectric resonator antennas for RF energy-harvesting/wireless power transmission applications: A state-of-the-art review
This article presents an overview of dielectric resonator (DR)-based sensing elements and
their applications in RF energy-harvesting (RFEH) and wireless power transmission (WPT) …
their applications in RF energy-harvesting (RFEH) and wireless power transmission (WPT) …
A multistepped transmission line matching strategy based triple-band rectifier for RFEH/WPT applications
Rectifier is a fundamental element of a rectenna system that converts RF energy to direct
current (dc). We proposed a triple-band rectifier using a novel matching technique and …
current (dc). We proposed a triple-band rectifier using a novel matching technique and …
A dual-band rectifier using half-wave transmission line matching for 5G and Wi-Fi bands RFEH/MPT applications
A dual-band rectifier is presented for RF energy harvesting (RFEH) and microwave power
transfer (MPT) applications. Starting with a single-band rectifier, the second band is added …
transfer (MPT) applications. Starting with a single-band rectifier, the second band is added …
Efficient single and broadband microwave rectifiers for RFEH/WPT enabled low power 5G sub-6 GHz devices
In recent years, the enormous innovation in the wireless system has escalated the demands
of fifth-Generation (5G) enabled RF Energy Harvesting (RFEH) and Wireless Power Transfer …
of fifth-Generation (5G) enabled RF Energy Harvesting (RFEH) and Wireless Power Transfer …
Analysis of facet-loaded rectangular DR-rectenna designs for multisource RF energy-harvesting applications
In this article, the characteristics of four spiral-facet structures are studied for RF energy-
harvesting (RFEH) applications for increasing the harvesting power from the surrounding …
harvesting (RFEH) applications for increasing the harvesting power from the surrounding …
A highly efficient design of 2.45/5.8-GHz dual-band class-F shunt-diode rectifier for wireless power transmission
In this letter, a dual-band (DB) class-F harmonic termination structure is proposed for
designing a DB high-efficiency rectifier at two highly spaced separate frequency bands, that …
designing a DB high-efficiency rectifier at two highly spaced separate frequency bands, that …
A compact polarization-insensitive rectenna with harmonic suppression for wireless power transfer
M Chang, Y Li, J Han, H Liu, L Li - IEEE Antennas and Wireless …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A compact, polarization-insensitive rectenna based on metasurface (MS) is designed at a
frequency of 5.8 GHz. The proposed MS element consists of a subwavelength octagonal …
frequency of 5.8 GHz. The proposed MS element consists of a subwavelength octagonal …
A low-profile compact broadband CP DRA for RF energy harvesting applications
In this Paper, a low-profile circularly polarized (CP) chamfered rectangular dielectric
resonator antenna (RDRA) is designed and investigated for radio frequency energy …
resonator antenna (RDRA) is designed and investigated for radio frequency energy …