Collaborative online professional development for teachers in higher education

H Teräs - Professional development in education, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Enhancing teaching quality has become a priority for many universities. The need for high-
quality professional development for university teachers is therefore crucial. Earlier research …

A Shared Cabin in the Woods

S Ratković, MK McGinn, D Martinovic… - Writing & …, 2019 -
In this paper, we investigated a model of academic development based upon a recurring
residential academic writing retreat combining individual writing times, workshops, work-in …

[KNJIGA][B] The future of accessibility in international higher education

HC Alphin Jr, RY Chan, J Lavine - 2017 -
Education is the foundation to almost all successful lives, and it is important that a high level
of schooling be available on a global scale. Studying the trends in accessibility in education …

Changing the paradigm: Support and development for teachers of introductory psychology.

MJ Beers, WS Altman, EY Hammer, EE Hardin… - 2022 -
Historically, training and support for teachers of psychology—particularly introductory
psychology—has been minimal, focusing on elements of course implementation as opposed …


C Box - Active and Engaging Classrooms: A Practical …, 2024 -
This chapter examines how a small, private, West Texas liberal arts university implemented
a successful faculty learning community (FLC). This chapter details the use of Wiggins and …

Charting trajectories on the peripheries of community practice: Mobile learning for the humanities in South Korea

MS Gallagher - 2016 -
This research explores the learning practices of graduate humanities students in South
Korea as evidenced through mobile technology. Fieldwork was carried out with 25 graduate …

Lecturers' Thinking Preferences and Learners' Individual Differences Based on the Whole Brain Model: A Case of Solusi University, Zimbabwe

C Dlamini - East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 2020 -
Quality of learning outcome is the primary goal of higher education. University lecturers
should be equipped with andragogic skills to enhance learning. At the exemplar institution …

Innovative Teaching Practices in Higher Education Based on Whole Brain® Theory: A Case of One University in Zimbabwe

C Dlamini - Contemporary Innovation Trends in the Zimbabwean …, 2024 -
The mass exodus of qualified lecturers looking for greener pastures outside the country
created a major downside for the education system in Zimbabwe, and as a result unqualified …

Canadian community college faculty and teaching and learning professional development

CA Samhaber - 2015 -
Many colleges have faced the challenge of engaging faculty in teaching and learning
professional development. The purpose of this project study was to investigate why full-time …

Response to intervention teachers' perspective of tier 2 intervention fidelity

D Meissner - 2016 -
In an urban Texas school district, teachers and administrators were concerned about
students' achievement and the teachers' knowledge and implementation of Response to …