Do**-dependent critical current properties in K, Co, and P-doped single crystals

S Ishida, D Song, H Ogino, A Iyo, H Eisaki, M Nakajima… - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
In order to establish the do** dependence of the critical current properties in the iron-
based superconductors, the in-plane critical current density J c of BaF e 2 A s 2-based …

Enhancement of the critical current by surface irregularities in Fe-based superconductors

IF Llovo, J Mosqueira, D Hu, H Luo… - … Science and Technology, 2024 -
The critical current Ic of single crystals of the iron pnictide superconductor BaFe2 (As1− xPx)
2 has been studied through measurements of magnetic hysteresis cycles. We show that the …

A precursor mechanism triggering the second magnetization peak phenomenon in superconducting materials

M Polichetti, A Galluzzi, K Buchkov, V Tomov… - Scientific Reports, 2021 -
The correlation in type-II superconductors between the creep rate S and the Second
Magnetization Peak (SMP) phenomenon which produces an increase in Jc, as a function of …

Plastic pinning replaces collective pinning as the second magnetization peak disappears in the pnictide superconductor

S Sundar, S Salem-Sugui Jr, HS Amorim, HH Wen… - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
We report a detailed study of isofield magnetic relaxation and isothermal magnetization
measurements with H∥ c on an underdoped Ba 0.75 K 0.25 Fe 2 As 2 pnictide single …

Vortex dynamics and second magnetization peak in the iron-pnictide superconductor Ca0. 82La0. 18Fe0. 96Ni0. 04As2

IF Llovo, D Sóñora, J Mosqueira… - Superconductor …, 2021 -
Vortex dynamics and second magnetization peak in the iron-pnictide superconductor Ca0.82La0.18Fe0.96Ni0.04As2
- IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science home Accessibility Help Search all IOPscience …

Second magnetization peak, anomalous field penetration, and Josephson vortices in KCaFeAsF bilayer pnictide superconductor

PV Lopes, S Sundar, S Salem-Sugui Jr, W Hong… - Scientific Reports, 2022 -
We performed magnetization measurements in a single crystal of the anisotropic bilayer
pnictide superconductor KCa 2 Fe 4 As 4 F 2, with T c≃ 34 K, for H‖ c-axis and H‖ ab …

Study of the second magnetization peak and the pinning behaviour in Ba (Fe0. 935Co0. 065) 2As2 pnictide superconductor

S Sundar, J Mosqueira, AD Alvarenga… - Superconductor …, 2017 -
Study of the second magnetization peak and the pinning behaviour in Ba(Fe0.935Co0.065)2As2
pnictide superconductor - IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science home Accessibility Help …

[HTML][HTML] Thickness dependence of the second magnetization peak effect in Ba0. 6K0. 4Fe2As2 single crystals

YH Liu, W ** evolution of the second magnetization peak and magnetic relaxation in single crystals
Y Liu, L Zhou, K Sun, WE Straszheim, MA Tanatar… - Physical Review B, 2018 - APS
We present a thorough study of do** dependent magnetic hysteresis and relaxation
characteristics in single crystals of (B a 1− x K x) F e 2 A s 2 (0.18≤ x≤ 1). The critical …

Pinning-induced vortex-system disordering at the origin of the second magnetization peak in superconducting single crystals

AM Ionescu, D Miu, A Crisan, L Miu - Journal of Superconductivity and …, 2018 - Springer
The nature of the second magnetization peak (SMP) appearing on the dc magnetic
hysteresis curves of superconducting single crystals with random pinning is still under …