Fourmer: An efficient global modeling paradigm for image restoration
Global modeling-based image restoration frameworks have become popular. However, they
often require a high memory footprint and do not consider task-specific degradation. Our …
often require a high memory footprint and do not consider task-specific degradation. Our …
Exposurediffusion: Learning to expose for low-light image enhancement
Previous raw image-based low-light image enhancement methods predominantly relied on
feed-forward neural networks to learn deterministic map**s from low-light to normally …
feed-forward neural networks to learn deterministic map**s from low-light to normally …
Nighthazeformer: Single nighttime haze removal using prior query transformer
Nighttime image dehazing is a challenging task due to the presence of multiple types of
adverse degrading effects including glow, haze, blur, noise, color distortion, and so on …
adverse degrading effects including glow, haze, blur, noise, color distortion, and so on …
Learning sample relationship for exposure correction
Exposure correction task aims to correct the underexposure and its adverse overexposure
images to the normal exposure in a single network. As well recognized, the optimization flow …
images to the normal exposure in a single network. As well recognized, the optimization flow …
Learning weather-general and weather-specific features for image restoration under multiple adverse weather conditions
Image restoration under multiple adverse weather conditions aims to remove weather-
related artifacts by using the single set of network parameters. In this paper, we find that …
related artifacts by using the single set of network parameters. In this paper, we find that …
Sparse sampling transformer with uncertainty-driven ranking for unified removal of raindrops and rain streaks
In the real world, image degradations caused by rain often exhibit a combination of rain
streaks and raindrops, thereby increasing the challenges of recovering the underlying clean …
streaks and raindrops, thereby increasing the challenges of recovering the underlying clean …
Spatial-frequency mutual learning for face super-resolution
Face super-resolution (FSR) aims to reconstruct high-resolution (HR) face images from the
low-resolution (LR) ones. With the advent of deep learning, the FSR technique has achieved …
low-resolution (LR) ones. With the advent of deep learning, the FSR technique has achieved …
Pixel adaptive deep unfolding transformer for hyperspectral image reconstruction
Hyperspectral Image (HSI) reconstruction has made gratifying progress with the deep
unfolding framework by formulating the problem into a data module and a prior module …
unfolding framework by formulating the problem into a data module and a prior module …
Empowering low-light image enhancer through customized learnable priors
Deep neural networks have achieved remarkable progress in enhancing low-light images
by improving their brightness and eliminating noise. However, most existing methods …
by improving their brightness and eliminating noise. However, most existing methods …
Generalized lightness adaptation with channel selective normalization
Lightness adaptation is vital to the success of image processing to avoid unexpected visual
deterioration, which covers multiple aspects, eg, low-light image enhancement, image …
deterioration, which covers multiple aspects, eg, low-light image enhancement, image …