Incubation temperature as a constraint on clutch size evolution
Elucidating factors that limit the number of offspring produced is fundamental to
understanding life‐history evolution. Here, we examine the hypothesis that parental ability to …
understanding life‐history evolution. Here, we examine the hypothesis that parental ability to …
Warmer incubation temperatures and later lay‐orders lead to shorter telomere lengths in wood duck (Aix sponsa) ducklings
The environment that animals experience during development shapes phenotypic
expression. In birds, two important aspects of the early‐developmental environment are lay …
expression. In birds, two important aspects of the early‐developmental environment are lay …
Effects of the temperature during embryonic development on adult reproduction and the phenotype of the second generation in zebra finches
Across taxa, the temperature experienced by individuals early in life can have large effects
on their development. However, comparatively little is known about whether the effects of …
on their development. However, comparatively little is known about whether the effects of …